Sunday, March 27, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Description :
Call of Duty: Black Ops for the Nintendo DS will feature six-player online multiplayer mode with a new Perks System, as well as a unique two-player Co-Op mode and Arcade and Challenge Modes that allow gamers to replay the single-player missions to earn extra points to unlock additional achievements.

 Walltrough Campaign :


In the campaign you basically travel all around the world being awesome and
putting holes in suckers. Let's ROCK.

You're first asked if you want to train. If so, see the training section for

[RCJ]    Mission 1- The Recovery Job

March 14, 1968
1800 Hrs

After action mission debrief- Sgt. Michael Shaw

Something went wrong during the extraction, and you have to explain yourself. 
You said it seemed like they were expecting you. Hm...

November 10, 1967
1700 Hrs

An extraction team is sent into Cuba to retrieve two missing intelligence
operatives, Capt. Alex Mason and Sgt. Michael Shaw.

"A couple of our operatives have run into trouble in Cuba. The Cubans have 
announced the event to the Public as part of an on-going propaganda campaign, 
but have not released the status of the men. Until we hear further, we can only
hope for the best. Officially the US is denying any knowledge, but
unofficially it's a different story. Latest intelligence has the men being held
captive in a converted mission on the coast. You are to infiltrate the mission,
locate the agents, and then get the hell out of Dodge."

The assets are under tight pressure, he said. I assume that means your pants
are far too tight...

Cut to you and your buddies landing in Cuba. 

Sg. Thomas Hayes
1700 Hrs

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Head to the church

Take a moment to say hi to Sgt. Ruiz and Capt. Peterson there, before they 
book it towards the church. Follow them, dashing. When you get close to the
truck, duck to stay out of sight.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Shoot the left guard

Ok so if we're gonna get any further into this compound, you got to take out
the guards patrolling the walls. Start with the guy to your left. I'd enter 
ADS mode just to make sure you make the kill. Pop him one from behind cover,
and your allies will rush up to secure the gate.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach the church

Before you much too much further in, note the collectible on top of the left-
hand gate. Shoot it and run foward. The position you want is just right inside
the gate. If you're still crouching while doing this, that's a good move.

Look at the left gate, and shoot your very first collectible!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Engage patrol

As you move past the two trucks here, you'll encounter three patrolmen. A good
tactic is to crouch and move up behind the tank closest to the waypoint. The
first chump will walk out of the doorway, right into firing range!

Once you deal with him, expect six more enemies to come from inside the 
compound, in waves of two. Make sure you deal with the one on the leftmost 
balcony who appears in wave one, and the one on the right-back balcony who 
appears in wave three. Other than that, your men will take positions and fire 
on the soldiers who are charging you from the compound. If you can get inside
the hole in the wall where the first soldier came from, there is a doorway in 
there that makes for a great sniping location. I'd recommend using the rifle 
for this entire exchange. On the harder difficulty levels you might be running 
out of ammo by the end, so feel free to grab one of the soldier's guns.

Once you take out these waves stop and you get a moment of peace, take time to 
reload. I left crouching position here, as running and gunning is important. 
Head back and to your right, further into the compound. Entering an alleyway, 
you'll find two more guards. You should be able to surprise the first one and 
take him out before he gets a shot off if you enter the alley in sniping mode,
and then take the other one out as he runs across the alley to get into 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Get to the church

Your commander will yell at you to cut through the buildings, so let's start 
doing that. Head down the alley and take a right (or let him go first, he is 
certainly eager), and he'll kick in the door. There will be a soldier directly 
inside, so take position on the right side of the door and take him out as 
soon as the door is open.

Run and immediately take position behind barrels in the middle of the room 
(facing the stairs, which are to your left). There will be two guards running 
down the staris, so be ready to snipe them as soon as they come down. One of 
them is carrying a shotgun, if you want that for the relatively close-quarters 
fights ahead.

Head up the stairs, but be prepared because there's a guy waiting behind the 
upturned table at the top of them. Take him out and take position behind the 
table, because another guard will run in front of you. With good position, you 
should be able to take him out right as he rounds the corner to try to get 
cover. Round the corner yourself, and if you're fast enough you'll catch a 
guard in the back as he runs away from you.

Don't follow him! Turn to your left and enter the doorway. There'll be a guard 
running left across the room. If you're fast you can shoot him as he runs, 
otherwise move to the right of the room to get him behind the desk. Another 
guard will be entering soon, so make sure you have a good bead on the doorway 
to take him out. 

Move quickly into the room where that guard came from, and turn to your right. 
There will be a doorway. It can be hard to make out because the room is so 
dark, but if you can get through it and into position quickly, you can take out
the guard in here before he has a chance to get into position. When he's 
wasted, another one will appear behind him, so stay in sniper mode. Round the 
corner and immediately there will be a door on your left. It leads to some 
stairs heading down.

Take position at the right side of the door, and you or your over-zealous 
friends will take out the guy at the bottom of the stairs. Run halfway down the
stairs on the right side before firing at the guy at the back of the room, and 
then make it all the way down the stairs, taking cover against the barricade, 
before a third guy runs in. Once he's down, head out the door.

Objective Added: Find an entrance

You can see the mission from here! You'll need to find an entrance. Head to 
your right, and be prepared to quickly snipe two guards. Head down the alley,
while more guards run at you. Be prepared, because as soon as the alley widens 
there is one to your left who will be taking potshots at you. Keep running 
around the perimeter, running and gunning guards who come in waves of two more 
or less constantly. Always be on the lookout for cover while you're in this 

When you reach the end of this section, there will be a wall sort of sticking 
out into the walkway you need to manuover around. If you dash through this 
part, you'll have a chance to gun down the fleeing guard before he rounds the 
corner, yells for his buddies, and begins returning fire.

Turn to your right when you enter the courtyard, facing the graves. At this 
point chumps will stream out in ones and twos to try to set up and take shots 
at you. If you can, make your way into the graveyard, taking refuge behind one 
of the stones. This will make a really handy shooting point. Once all the 
guards are down (take them down quickly before they can get too close to you), 
head towards where they came from, after looking behind a gravestone in the
back for the second collectible.

In this covered walkway, you will face another huge batch of guards. Take the 
one on the right out first, hiding behind the first pillar to your left. There 
will be a steady stream of guards coming from down the walkway, but only one 
more from the right, so make sure he's eliminated quickly, as he's in flanking 
position. Once the rest of the guards are sniped, head down the corridor and 
take a left, past the cannon, to stand on the basement entrance.

Objective Added: Regroup

There is a short cutscene where your buddies talk in a worried voice (he's 
such a pansy. You're the PC! What could HAPPEN?), break open the cellar door, 
and jump in. You follow.

Objective Added: Find the operative

Head on upstairs. You don't hear anything, but you can't honestly expect that 
to last, can you?

Objective Added: Engage the patrol

As it turns out, no you cannot. Wait until the guard's back is turned, then 
snipe him down. Two more will come running out the door, so try to gun them 
down as soon as they pop into view.

Obective Added: Find the operative

Try to run up to the next counter and take position to get a cleaner shot on 
the next two guys to run in. After they're down, run by the door so you can 
take out the final guard.

Quickly move into the next room and take a left, then look to your left down 
the hallway. Moving quickly here prevents the two new guards from getting into 
position before you blow them away.

Again, run down the hallway, take a right and look in the room. Dashing through
this part lets you get the jump on the next guard as well, and you want to get
a good position in this room early, so it's worth it.

Try to crouch near a barricade where you can see most of the room: an 
overturned table near the entrance works well. Guards will flood this area, 
and you and your teammates will be doing a lot of shooting. They come from 
other side of the room than you came in, from two directions, but if you stay 
near the door they won't overrun you. Don't let them get too close, and don't 
be afraid to huck a grenade or two in this section.

After clearing the guards, push forward until you come to a staircase and 
you're told to "check your corners", which means just run forward right through
everybody else.

Run up the stairs, and take a left into the room. Beware, for there are two 
guards pretty far away and already in position. Carefully snipe them, moving 
diagonally across the room to the opposite corner, and taking note of the 
M14-SC on a crate in here if (like me) you are almost out of ammo.

Now run to the edge of the ledge, taking cover behind it. Soldiers will start 
to fire at you from across the walkway, so you'll want to be as close to them 
while still being protected as you can be. Line up your shots well, and 
remember that unless you're on hardened diff. (where my teammates were 
essentially useless), your squad can do some of the work for you.

Once the walkway is clear, head to the back corner, opposite from where you 
came in. Make sure you shoot the collectible across the walkway first, though! 
It can be hard to see, but it's over there.

There will be some more stairs up, so head there and take the ladder (basic 
training pays off!)

Once you get to the top, be prepared to do some quick shooting! There will be 
a guy holding a hostage. You don't recognize either of the two men, but heck, 
just go ahead and shoot the one holding the other one hostage. And do it QUICK!
You'll want to be in sniper mode for ssure.

Obective Added: Extract to the Catacombs

With your disappointing cargo, get ready to extract. They are shelling the 
mission(?), so you'll have to get out through the catacombs.

Before that, you'll want to circle around behind the bell, and pick up the 
collectible behind there. ALso note the M10 and M14 on the crates behind the 

Head back down the ladder, and be prepared for a 3-man greeting party shooting 
at you from across the walkway. The strategy is the same as before: find the 
closest cover you can. I threw a grenade here and it worked great, but I sort 
of felt like I wasted it. If you have the sniper zoom rifle from before, just 
use that.

Head down the stairs again, and creep cautiously into the room where the big 
firefight happened before; there are three guards there in position and ready 
to fire. Take them out one at a time by edging into the room.

Running back to the level beginning, you are accosted by three mooks in an 
indoor courtyard, but don't fear! The huge bell from earlier drops on them! 
Also one of your teammates goes "look out!" a full second before it happened, 
which, you know, HOW DID HE KNOW. Anyway. Run past the bell after shooting the 
one mook it didn't take out, and stand around while you guys break into the 
catacombs entrance.

Leaving your squad in a high-drama situation, let's go see how Sgt. Mike is 


[BRF]                     Mission 2- Breaking Free

November 10, 1967
1800 Hrs.

"Captured by enemy forces, Sgt. Michael Shaw regains consciousness and finds 
himself bound to a chair inside a makeshift Cuban Prison."

We start out with a guy threatening you by saying if you don't give out 
information, you'll have no life. I guess they'll sign you up for World of 
Warcraft and get you real addicted.

Objective Added: Escape your restraints

Well anyway, when he threatens you with death by pointing a gun at you, tap 
the action button quickly to break out and down the guy. VERY satisfying.

Objective Added: Find info about your location

Ok so exit your cell and the other prisoner will give you some pretty basic 
stealth-type information "don't make a lot of noise! You know, so that the 
guards won't shoot you!" Thanks pal.

Anyway, get your knife out for this part. Sneak up on the guard when he turns 
to deal with the loud prisoner, and either knife him or throw the knife. 
That'll take care of him nice and quiet.

Head to the end of the room, get the ammo crate, and head up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs you'll see a guard opening the door. Run back halfway 
down the stairs and hide in a darkened corner there until the guard passes, 
then knife him in the back.

For this next section, your radar will be really important. You want to run 
behind and knife the guards in the back, and avoid being seen at all costs. 
Being seen will draw all the guards, and they all have AK-47s. You can 
PROBABLY take them, but it's not the point of the level.  

Fortunately, their peripheral vision is awful. Just don't stand directly in 
front of them and you should be ok. Make your way through the complex, waiting 
until the guards backs are turned to knife them. Basically follow the red dots
on your radar and you'll head in the right direction. Note that the guards are 
pretty dumb, and won't notice the bodies of their comrades, so you don't have 
to worry about that.

Note the collectable in the room with the fan!

Eventually you'll follow the golden arrow to a room with documents. Grab those 
to get info on your location.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: contact command

This part is basically just like the one before. There will be a golden arrow 
that you're following, and guards who can only see directly ahead of themselves
moving in predictable patterns. And you've got a knife. One neat trick is that 
you can throw your knife infinite times, and remember, nobody notices if their 
buddy screams and falls over right next to them. If you peek out around a 
bookcase just enough to see a guard's arm, then you can throw your knife, off 
him, and move on.

On your way to the radio (follow the gold star), you'll find a bathroom. Check
the shower stall (back left corner) for a collectible.

Make your way through the compound, and you'll come to a radio and a mini-game 
as well! It couldn't be simpler. Just twist the knobs. When the one knob is 
correct, the bar will turn yellow. Then twist the other knob until it turns 

You'll learn that you got to make your way through the facility and meet your 
extraction team at the coast. AND your stealth just got wrecked, as an alarm 
starts going off. Stink.


Grab an AK if you haven't had one already, and deal with the incoming guards, 
there will be two. Head up the stairs, using the railing as cover. Make sure 
to pick up the ammo crates and any guns the guards drop for spare ammo. Take a 
left and head through the facility, dealing with the guards that are trying to 
get into position. Take them quickly out.

You'll pass several reception-desk looking areas, and behind the second one
you see there will be a collectible.

This next section is pretty much a straight-up run and gun. There won't be 
ambushes, and the guards will come in predictable numers (1s and 2s) as you 
run through the linear path. Be on the lookout for cover, and look behind 
stacks of boxes when you see one. Behind one of them there is a collectible! 
It's right before you reach the exit.

Once you reach the doorway, pull up on the piece of wood barring the door, and 
you're out!


[OTR]                     Mission 3- On the Run

November 10, 1967
1800 Hrs

Due to faulty information, the extraction team was unable to locate Shaw. They 
escape the mission and continue forward toward the rendezvous point.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Move through the catacombs

Note the Dragunov sniper rifle right by the box, you might want to pick that up
for some sniping.

Go back to thinking tactically in this section. Your first challenge will be a 
huge room which (surprise surprise) is just flooded with guards. Your team will
provide sniping support, leaving you to try to take a forward position (behind 
the columns slightly to the left of the entrance works really well) and fight 
off the enemy. Give priority targeting to the guys entering from the top right
of the arena.

Turn and face the entrance to find the first collectible.

Once they're gone, make your way (returning heavy fire on the swarms of mooks 
that come after you) and mantle your first obstacle(!) to get to the other 
side of the room. Beware the tunnels on the other side, as there are guard 
emplacements. Take corners slowly.

There will be a gap in a wall on the righthand side of the tunnels in here, 
where you'll find the next collectible

In the next big room, watch out for a guard drawing a bead on you to your left,
then deal with the one straight in front of you. Your buddy mentions that you 
must be getting close, which is nice to hear.

Make sure you take out the two baddies on the upper level BEFORE you climb the 
ladder, and do an about-face as soon as you climb so you can fight the two more
guards that rush in. Head to there the guards came from, and you're out! Run 
up to the ledge and slide down all awesome and cool.

Now it's time for a mini-game!

You're given a square, and shown blue icons, which are friends, and yellow 
icons, which are places they can move to. You want to move them to the 
direction that the enemy is coming from, so that they can defend themselves. 
The enemy comes from where the red arrows are. There's probably a lot of 
different ways to do this, but it always worked for me to just put your allies 
on the closest dots to where the enemy is invading from.

Then you'll move back to first person. This is pretty simple: there are enemies
approaching, and it's your and your comrades job to mow them down. Move 
in-between your two allies, helping whichever one seems outnumbered. You'll 
get a checkpoint part-way through, and the pportunity to re-align your allies. 
For this section and the next one, I had my allies cover two enemy entry 
positions, while I covered the third. It worked pretty well, but make sure you 
understand the "about face" command, as it'll come in handy here.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Move towards the river

Once that fun part's over with, you'll have to cover your team as they cut the 
barbed wire. Be ready, there'll be three or four guys that come after you. 
Look behind some sandbags to your right to find the next collectible.
Advance following your comrades, and you'll come into contact with groups of 
guards hiding behind fences. They are really annoyingly hard to hit with 
firearms, so this is a perfect time to bring out those grenades. Keep in mind 
that past the second fence there'll be a guard on a ridge to your right trying
to snipe you, so take him out quick.

Past this, you'll see that the Cubans were foolish to send a helicopter after 
you. Looks like you've got a way out!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Steal that helicopter!

So run as fast as you can to the edge of the rim, and try and pick off one or 
two of the soldiers below. Then run RIGHT off the edge of the cliff. This is 
very important becaue the helicopter is gonna be launching missiles at you. 
Once you get down here, take cover behind the rightmost barrier immediately! 
There will be soldiers swarming from all directions (except behind you), and 
you'll want to make sure everybody in your squad is covering some angle. Don't
advance until the soldiers stop coming. Once they're down look behind a hill to
the right for the last collectible in this level. 

Once that's done, head to the Helicopter. Time to learn to fly!


[CSR]                       Mission 4- Coastal Run

November 10, 1967
1900 Hrs.

Sgt. Shaw, free from his captors, pushes towards the coast to rendezvous with 
the extraction team.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Make it outside the complex

Right off the bat, try to gun some people down to your right. You are on a 
ledge, you'll have to look down to get them. Then run forward and down the 
stairs. Look behind the stairs you just ran down for the first collectible.

There'll be a firefight in this room, then head to your right and 
out the gate. This next section is a run-and-gun. Try to find good cover near 
the entrance in any rooms you're in, and don't move, as the enemies will come 
to you. This continues for a few rooms.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Mantle over the ledge

Before you do this, run to your left and look in the field behind the wire for
a collectible.

Then uh... just go ahead and do that. You'll see a helicopter fly overhead. But
is it friend or foe?!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Find a way out

This part is another stealth part (or at least it should be). You won't want 
to approach the guards directly, but chucking knives at them is a great way to
kill them without making a scene from a distance. If you hug the left side of 
the gorge, you can approach the guards without attracting too much suspicion 
(for some reason, they always noticed me when I approached from the right 

Watch the bridges you pass under, as cars will drive up and soldiers will get 
out. If you get into position before they leave the car, you can knife the one 
who is facing you, and take out the one facing away from you at your leisure. 
Don't worry about the helicopters, they don't bother you.

You'll reach a grating eventually. You're supposed to turn right here, but 
grab the collectible in the grating first.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Create a diversion

OK we need something to catch their attention. Move towards the gold star, and 
you'll see a fuel tank. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? If you are thinking
"plant an explosives all up in there", then yes, you are thinking EXACTLY what 
I'm thinking. Head on up to it and press the action button.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Retreat to a safe distance

This one should be pretty obvious. Just back away, dude. The blast will alert 
all the guards who will come runnin' to check it out.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Stow away on a leaving truck

Take advantage of the confusion. Turn around from the explosion, and head up 
the embankment, and go near the truck with an open bed in the back. You may 
need to throw a knife at one of the guards to take care of his prying eyes. 
Once you get in, a cutscene starts. I guess there were more explosions that 
happened later?

OBECTIVE ADDED: Make it to the coast

OK so we got away from the compound. Now it's time to make it to the coast. 
You will probably notice that the area is swarming with guards, including two 
who stop to talk to each other right in front of you. The guard AI is pretty 
crappy, so you can actually just throw a knife and take them both out while 
they're facing each other, but I like to wait until one of them turns away, 
just for realism. Anyway, take out both of them and hop down. Look behind some
barrels to your left for the collectible.

Head to your right, and try to get in a good knife throwing position to take
out the two remaining guards- I frequently got them to fire into the truck, 
missing me, while I was able to hit them with the knife.

You'll want to switch to a gun for this next part, as the two guards out past 
the truck are already in position. Take out the far one first, then the one to 
your right as he runs past you. The far guard might throw a grenade, so this 
is a good time to get in the habit of picking them up and throwing them BACK.

Take a right and head down the path, watching out for a soldier who will 
approach you from the boulders and fire down onto you.

This next section is essentially a long run and gun. You will encounter 
soldiers in groups of one or two, but there is ample cover. Take it slowly, 
picking off the soldier who runs closest to your first then moving into a 
position to take out his friend. Eventually you will come to a beach.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Take the beach

Ok brace yourself because this part is tough. There will be a chump firing 
rockets at you from a rocket LAUNCHER, and you'll want to run up and shoot his
liver out, but DON'T. 

You need to snipe this guy from a distance, and then get into some kind of 
defensible position, preferably near to your side of the becah. Soldiers are 
going to be swarming in in 2s 3s and 4s from basically every direction except 
the one you came from (and from the ocean). You'll get the crap flanked out of 
you if you just charge in, so find a good rock, get your sniping fingers ready,
and remember to throw back grenades. The checkpoint will be reached before all 
the enemies are dead (??) but it's cool.


[TTR]                       Mission 5- To the Rescue

November 10, 1967
1900 Hrs

The extraction team has commandeered an enemy Mi-4 Helicopter to the rendezvous 
location and made their escape.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Blow the crap out of stuff with your helicopter

Ok so to control your helicopter, you'll use the control pad to move and the 
ABXY buttons to aim, and the L and R buttons to fire junk.

Basically, this section can be described using a simple logical flowchart

                             Are there buildings in view?
                      ________|                     |_________
                     |                                        |
                    \/                                        \/
                    Yes                                       No
                     |                                        |
                    \/                                        \/
           SHOOT EVERYTHING  AT THEM!                    Enjoy the view!
         This shold blow up everything nearby.
            Aim for red barrels especially

That should get you as far as the beach. Don't worry if you crash a few times; 
it can be tough to learn the new controls!

You should recognize that particular beach, it's the one where you just shot 
up a bunch of suckers. And now you're pinned down! You've got to help... you!

Objective Added: Destroy hostiles

Shouldn't be too hard. You'll be circling around the beach. You can tell where 
your guy is by the big green plume of smoke, so maybe don't fire missiles right
AT him. Instead, fire missiles and machine guns AWAY from him, but still on 
the beach. You'll take out most of the guys pretty quickly, and the only 
challenge will be the enemy helicopter that flies in and tries to strafe your 
guy on the beach. Concentrate fire on it, and it'll go down before long.

Hooraaaaaay! You made it out of Cuuuuuuba!


[WTJ]                     Mission 6- Welcome to the Jungle

March 14, 1968
1900 Hrs

After action mission debrief- Sgt. Michael Shaw

So apparently somewhere in that whole mess you met a Russian (was that the guy 
in the tower?) who told you about a new Russian weapon. You headed "in 
country", which means to Vietnam, to check it out.

"A Russian defector is helping us track down this new Russian Weapon. Intel has
Ivan and Charlie teaming up to test it in the jungle villages."

Ok so basically some guy named "Ivan" and "Charlie" (yes I know they mean 
Russia and Vietnam, but for the rest of this walkthrough, we'll be assuming 
that there are two supervillains names Ivan and Charlie intent on destroying 
the world) are planning to test some new weapon in Vietnam. We got to get in 
there and find out what it is!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Locate the village test site

This is pretty much a straightforward run and gun sequence.  You'll have a good 
gun, the support of your two squad members, and the enemy comes on level 
ground in groups of two or three. Shouldn't be much trouble.

Do you see the pit trap coming up ahead? With the leaves covering the ground? 
Well your character sure doesn't.

Right before you walk on it and fall down, though, turn around and hug the
right side of the wall. Round the corner, heading back to the start, and 
look up. The collectible will be up there

Then: fall in that pit!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Locate the village test site

For some unfathomable reason, they didn't line this pit with spikes, but 
instead made it connect to their underground tunnel transport system. After 
some more "subtle" hints that you'll be using your knife for this section, 
you're sent onward.

Now, you might be thinking that this is a stealth section! Not so! You just 
can't use your gun or the tunnel will collapse. The peasants will come running 
at you with THEIR knives drawn, and you've got to time your swings so you take 
them out right as soon as they get into knife range. There are only a few, and 
there's only one tunnel to take, so soon enough you'll be out into daylight 

Make sure you take a right when you hit a fork in that first tunnel, so you can
get the collectible.

Also, right before you enter the second tunnel, look behind a fern to your left

Then you're given a gun, and told to take point in the next tunnel, which, for 
some reason, is gunfire-proof. Well I guess it IS reinforced. You'll blast 
through here, backed by your invincible squad, until you come to the village.

Well, crap...


Make a right here and look up the cliff face before proceeding into the 


[HOD]                     Mission 7- Hung Out to Dry

November 21, 1963
1000 hrs

Yuri tells the tale of how he joined up with the Americans.

"Several years ago we found ourselves in the foothills of Afganistan. It was 
supposed to be  a time of peace. The target was dealing with both sides and 
this was not to be tolerated.  We were sent in to deliver a message. The plan 
was to get in and out without being seen  ... but there are plans, and then 
there are plans."

So flash back to a hotel room. Yuri and his two Soviet friends are hanging out,
and they give him a fairly creepy speech about how he's going to be a lesson 
about disloyalty. Sounds good!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Eliminate the official

Ok head over to the window once you get a chance. They mention how you only get
one shot. Before anything else, get the collectible on top of the telephone

Two trucks will pull up, and two people will get out. Let them walk around for 
awhile. The one you want is the guy who ends up on the left. He stands still 
for long periods of time, so just line up the shot and take it. You get a 
grenade thrown through your window RIGHT afterward, so retreat quickly.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Escape to the river

Head into the hallway, and take position. You've still got your Dragunov, so 
maybe have one of your allies handle the two guys that come into the hallway. 
Grab their automatic, and get ready because once you're down the stairs there 
are entrenched guys there ready to fire. Make sure the room is clear before 
attemping to mantle the barrier (right side), because as soon as you start, 
more guards will pour into the room.

Once they're gone,your buddy will open the door. Run out, take a left, and 
mantle over the barricade.


Quick! Get behind the stacked crates to the right! A patrol will pass by in a 
few minutes. Then move to the left and mantle over the remaining crates.  

Right after the part where you mantle the obstacle and take cover, run
to the end of the alley, and turn around facing the obstacle you just 
climbed. Look on top of the largest stack of crates for the next collectible.

After that, take a right and enter into a warehouse, where there'll be another 
firefight. They will probably throw grenades, so be ready to throw some back. 
An AK-47 is a fine choice for this part of the stage.

Run between buildings and take out the few guards in the next room. The REAL 
show comes outside this building. There are just TONS of guards, entering from 
the right, left, and on the rooftops. Keep moving, get in sniper mode a lot, 
and take them down as soon as you can. Keep an eye on the door you entered the 
room from, sometimes guys enter the room from there. Eventually you'll be 
knocked off your feet by an explosion.

When you come to, your men are having trouble getting up from the blast. Click 
the action button rapidly to clear the debris from him. Move out into the back 
alley and take a right and down the stairs. You'll get the drop on these first 
two guys, so take them out quick and switch guns if you need to. Now circle 
back behind the stairs for a collectible.

This next section is just a straight run-and-gun. Take a left and head up the 
stairs, and be prepared for enemies in groups of two or three. Watch out for 
one section where you will be greeted by a sniper on the rooftop; there are 
entrenched enemies here, and more will come pouring in. 

You'll eventually leave a building and take a right to continue. At this point,
you'll see a spare tire against a building and a crate, and to the left of 
those, a telephone pole. Look on the board nailed to the telephone pole partway
up, one one of the transformers for the last collectible of this level.

After that section, move into the building, and around the wrought-iron 
gratings, and you'll have made it to the river!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Get in the boat

Take out the guards to your right, mantle over the obstacle, take a left over 
the bridge, and you're there! Now just get on the boat...

Dang it. Betrayed! Oh, betrayed by mother Russia! It's vengeance time for SURE.
You get a stupid speech about how your sacrifice will "strengthen mother 
Russia" or whatever. Like that matters. VENGEANCE!


[BEL]                Mission 8- Behind Enemy Lines

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Escape to the foothills

OK so we got to find our OWN way out of here, you know?

Head on up to the gate in front of you, and throwing knife the guard there to 
death. You should find an RPG on the ground right in front of you (wooo!), and 
see that this fort is crawling with guards. With patience you can take out
most of the guards here without being seen. As for those that remain... that's 
what the RPG is for! Notice the collectible on the telephone pole towards the

Once you take out the guards, get an automatic and the RPG. The guard in the 
tunnel at the back of the fortress will have an RPG, but if you run to one 
side as he's aiming, he'll hit the cave wall and kill himself. Run forward,
grab it, and start using your automatic to clear out the tunnels.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Fight through the tunnels

This part is a particuarly tricky run-and-gun phase. Enemies know you're 
coming, so knife throwing doesn't work, and they are already entrenched, so it 
can be somewhat slow going. Good advice in this section is to take corners 
slowly, as there are frequently guys behind them with guns at the ready.

You'll come across a helicopter landing and guys getting out of it; either run 
up quickly and take them out before they can get into position or slowly take 
out one then hide in the caves until they stop firing before taking out the 
next person.

Any time you have multiple levels of guys to climb, where you have to mantle 
over the first step, make sure the coast is clear before trying to climb it. 
You'll be gunned down in a hurry otherwise.

After the first multi-level, look for a collectible in the river to the right,
and in the second multi-level, once you get to the top follow the cliff edge
to the right to find the next collectible.

Otherwise, this is a linear, run-and-gun style section. Eventually, you'll hear
the sounds of battle, and approach a small village.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Defend this location

There will be a big massive firefight in this village. Use the fact that your 
have allies (to your right) to maximum advantage. Take out the missile shooter 
on top of the building in front of you first, then try to pick off the people 
guarding the building to the right of the village. After that, there will be 
guards streaming into the center of the village. 

Make sure to grab the last collectible that's by the right front truck tire.

Persist, and they will all eventually fall.

You'll get a clip of the American deciding your fate, and cooler heads prevail
(instead of just blowing you away where you stand, which would be sort of a 
lame end to the level PLUS a temporal paradox).


[NEA]                    Mission 9- New Alliance

So now you're best buds with the Americans, and have to make it out of dodge.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Defend your vehicle

A car will drive past you, and it's gonna pull around, so get that gun facing 
towards the back of the vehicle. Fire on the other car as it approaches, and 
take out the three guys in it. Your truck will pull off the road. Next comes a 
truck full of RPGs. The frontmost guy in that truck will have an automatic 
weapon, and continuously deal damage, so try to take him out. The RPGs usually 
miss, so you'll have more of an opportunity to take them out. Don't bother 
firing if the truck is too far behind you.

After that, aim your gun directly sideways out and take out the two 
machine-gunners who approach quickly from the left. You'll next pass by a 
village with armed guys shooting at you, so point your gun forward and try to 
catch them before you reach them. After the village, another truck with two 
guys on it will approach, so take them out quickly.

You'll then enter a long tunnel, and be prompted to pick up an RPG. Do so, and 
when you exit the tunnel you'll be set upon by a helicopter. When taking it on 
with the RPG, remember that the rockets are relatively slow-moving, which seems
ironic, so you'll have to lead the helicopter a lot with your shots. You won't
be taking it down, just chasing it off.

Press the action button if you run out of rounds, and press it again after the 
heli is chased off to pick the machine gun back up. There will immediately be 
a truck with four AK-47 guys in it, so get firing! After this you'll come 
across another town with townspeople firing at you, then another four person 
truck. Finally get out the RPG one more time, and this time you get to down 
the heli.

Mr. Antagonistic, the guy who wanted to shoot you, allows as you aren't 
half-bad for a slimy communist, which is fine praise indeed!


[LIU]                     Mission 10- Light it up!

February 6, 1968
1200 Hrs

American air units continue ground support operations over Vietnam while the 
ground team moves forward with Raslov.

OK it is time for another helicopter section!

OBECTIVE ADDED: Destroy the weapons cache

This first section is just flying through a winding gulch. Not a whole lot 
going on in it, besides some guys with machine guns and rocket launchers. All 
in all you can probably just not do anything and survive, but since you've got 
machine gun and rocket ammo to burn, why not just target them. You'll 
eventually run into a river, and then do a 180 to attack a convy.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Destroy the fleeing convoy

You aren't aiming for the boats, it's the trucks on the road past the boats. 
Try to take the lead one out with a missile. You can take out the bridge too, 
to make it easier.

Heading down the river, I blew up all the boats, for no real reason except that
I am a hateful person, and I don't like other people to be in intact buildings 
or vehicles when I have a rocket launcher. Before long at all, you'll encounter
a peaceful village, which naturally you think must be a "forward base". 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Destroy the village

The machine gun is great and all, but for this you'll want to really rely on 
your rockets. Just go left to right, aiming at each house in turn. Use the 
machine gun to take down any guys firing at you, fortunately they're usually 
between buildings. Watch out especially for the two guard towers at the end of 
the village, and also the boats coming under the bridge will be firing missiles
at you. Remember to move back and forth to avoid the rockets.

As you fly down the river, watch out for the righthand embankment right by the 
next turn, as there are missile launchers there. Return fire and blow them up. 
You'll then cross the jungle and arrive at the village.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Destroy the forward base

This... uh... this looks a lot like a village. Well, anyway. Press that action 
button. Drop that napalm. Go you.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Find the ground team

The next section is just a brief fly-and-gun. You'll notice towards the end 
there is another convoy, with some bridges, and a ship sailing underneath. Feel
free to missile them all.


[RIR]                    Mission 11- River Raiders

February 6, 1968

The ground team heads up river to scout out another suspected enemy weapon 
testing location.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach the landing point

You get some completely sweet guns for this mission! To start you'll see some 
missiles flying overhead. You'll also see a bridge coming up with some trucks 
on it. Blow up that bridge.

Next threat is a boat coming up behind you to your right. Turn and open fire 
before it gets alongside you. There should be three gunners at different 
points in the boat.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Assist shore team

Sounds like some of your guys on the shore are taking a beating. You'll drive 
by them, with the VC on the right, and your boys on the left. Pelt them with 
fire, and objective complete!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach landing point

A boat will be rounding the corner ahead of you, so get ready to fire on it. 
It'll turn around and come up on your left, and then another boat will come up 
on your right. Try to have your guns in position by the time it starts 
approaching, so you can shoot the VC before they have a chance to fire on you.

Look to your right for an impressive sight of a village getting napalmed. But 
don't look too long, because boats come up on either side of you! The one on 
the left gets closer, so I'd take it out first, then turn to your right for the
next one. Now face straight, and aim at the three trucks on the bridge. I just 
go left -> right and it works for me.

There will be two more boats, one coming on the left (first), then to the 
right. Soon a boat will pass right in front of you, heading right to left. 
Keep firing on it, and it'll catch on fire, and ram into a village which 
EXPLODES! That must have been SOME boat!

You'll see another village explode in front of you, and a boat takes off from
left to right. Kill the gunners in it. You'll ram the boat then continue on.

Heeeey you made it!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach the supply village

After a nice rest, it's time to move out. Watch out for the VC running into 
view right away. In fact it's a whole patrol of them. You're supposed to 
secure the area. But wait, isn't... isn't this the American base? How did they 
GET here? Oh well, they'll be coming from straight ahead when you look out the 
door. Wipe them out, then turn around and get a collectible from the dock.

A little ways up the path, take a right and look in a cave for the next

Follow the path up and take a right. There is a tough firefight here which is 
made a lot easier if you can take out two or three of the VC before they get 
into position here. There will be an additional guard coming up from the right 
hand side on the bridge, so get ready to snipe him as he's in great position to
take you out.

Advancing, take out the VC by the downed helicopter across the river before 
turning right to deal with the ones behind the sandbags. Look behind the heli
for a collectible.

Move up and prepare for more entrenched VC. Use the crates as a hiding place 
if possible.

Guards will be streaming from the path ahead, but none of them are in position
and they are all vulnerable. Advance slowly, being ready to pick off anybody 
new as they come into view.

You'll see the village head shortly. It's full of guards, so don't run into 
the middle! Take out the ones you can see, and be prepared to take out the 
ones in houses quickly. Grenades work great for the ones in houses.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Regroup with the team

This one completes as soon as you step foot in the village center


That period on the end of survive seems kind of ominous! Backup is on the way, 
but you'll have to hold the village for awhile.


Just like before, look where the red arrows are coming from, and make sure 
some of your allies are facing that direction. Keep your ammo up (there are 
plenty of ammo crates in the village), and run back and forth between allies 
filling in any holes and helping them.

In these section, they tend to come out from the same doorways, so just make 
sure you cover those, and you're ok. Also, at some point look in a hut to the
right for the last collectible on this level.

Eventually, they'll all fall.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach the chopper

GET TO THE CHOPPA! (Sorry, had to). Um, it comes right to get you. Just stay 
where you are.


[LHO]                    Mission 12- Last Heli Out

February 23, 1968
1500 Hrs.

The ground team, having spent weeks in the jungle, have come up empty. The 
team must now get to the extraction point or be left behind.

You know, I thought part of the perks of being a secret black ops super-soldier
was they would hold the helicopter for you. I guess NOT.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Use the emplacement

Ok so right off the bat, take out the VC running towards you, then DASH towards
the emplacement. There will be some more VC who come from behind it on the 
right and then the left, so be ready to gun them down. Head up the ramp on the 
left side of the emplacement, and use the action button to mount the emplaced 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Aid your allies

Predictably, the Viet Cong will come swarming out of the jungle as soon as you 
mount the emplacement. You get all the ammo you can choke on, so just keep the 
bullets flying and the turret moving. Eventually, all hell breaks loose, and 
you're struck by a huge explosion.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach the overlook point

First turn around and look in a tree for the collectible.

This is a run-and-gun style section. You won't be facing emplaced enemies, so 
as long as you're moving quickly and willing to shoot from the hip you should 
get them before they have a chance to get into position. When you have a 
choice of paths, take the lower, lefthand one. It will let you get a better 
drop on enemies. At one point, you'll be running up a log, Look for the place 
to drop down to on the right for an ammo pickup.

Once you get the pickup, turn around and walk forward, dropping down some, 
then take a right. Other than that, this section is fairly linear. If you just
follow your squad, you'll get through it easily.

In the swampy part, move past the road out at the end, and take a right.
The collectible will be under some roots back here

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Use binoculars

First look to your left for a collectible, then...

Press ye the actione buttone!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Call in the airstrike

This part is pretty simple. Aim your cursor over the flashing building, and 
when it turns green hit fire. You get a cutscene of a plane blowing up some 
poor chump's hut. I hope ou're satisfied. I'm not going to lie. I have no idea
why you just did that, but BOY you sure did.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Reach the landing point

Ok it's time to get out of this armpit.

Keep in mind that this section is timed! You'll want to be moving. I always 
had plenty of time left at the end, but it's just a friendly warning.

This next section is another run-and-gun. Nobody will really be in position, 
so move quickly and gun quicker. They will be hard to see through the tall 
grass and water, so if you are using button controls, make use of the auto-aim.
Beware of a part where you are facing into a village with high water, three 
guys will come out of the leftmost hut all at once, so be sure and aim towards 
it. Assuming you made it in time, you get to the chopper.

Before you enter, take a left and look behind some crates for the last

One of your guys said he hoped something can come from the data you gathered. 
What DATA. 

I don't get this section at ALL, story-wise.


[STW]                     Mission 13- Stolen Wings

March 14, 1968
2000 Hrs.

After action mission debrief- Sgt. Michael Shaw

Mike complains that all there was there were destroyed villages and flaming 
corpses, but I'm pretty sure that's all HIS fault. Man who IS this angry
military guy? Why's he gotta be so ANGRY all the time? Well, he settles in for

"The Russians are working on a stealth aircraft. We believe that they will use 
this craft as one of the weapon delivery systems. Your mission is to infiltrate
this airbase and commandeer this aircraft. You will fly west and meet up with 
Allied forces... provided of course the reds don't blow you out of the sky 

Well, simple!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Secure the jet

I uh.. guess we skipped the part about infiltration? You start out in a jet, 
with the reds already mad at you. Well, time to give them what for! It's the 
same controls as the heli, with missiles and rocket launcher.

One wrinkle this time is when you hear a tone, press where the sniper mode 
ribbon usually is to "evade", and escape their missiles. Whenever you're given 
the chance, riddle the other jets with machine gun and missile launcher fire.
Missiles blew up most of the enemy jets for me.

Other than that, this section is mostly a "mash the button when you hear the 
tone" game. It'll end before too long!


[TTM]                      Mission 14- To the Motherland

February 25, 1968
1600 Hrs.

Sgt. Shaw, continuing on information from the Russian defector Yuri, heads 
into Russia in search of the bio-chemical plant.

Russia is a pretty big place! I hope he knows where he's going!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Make it to the office building

Follow your comrade there into the courtyard, but don't rush right in. I 
started sniping suckers right away, and didn't even wait for the...

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Wait for his call and shoot

Yeah snipe the three guns on the right of the courtyard, and two more in the 
middle. Run into the middle and one will appear on the fire escape to your 
right. Aim up and get him. Head down the street, taking out anybody who pokes 
their head out. You'll want to handle the longer-distance kills any the snipers
(your guys are pretty good about yelling sniper when there is one, so look up 
when you hear that).

There are several fire-escape stairs leading up to second-story platforms
in the area with the first major gun battle. The collectible is behind the
door on the one of those furthest back from your starting position.

Run into the office building, and watch out for the three Russians that come 
running out when you're almost to the star. When you're to the elevator, turn
around and look to the right behind the caution strips for a collectible.

Use the action button on the elevator button, and press 2 for second floor. 
This is an incredibly crappy office building.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Locate the documents

What DOCUMENTS. I thought we were looking for a bio-chemical plant? Bah. 

The strategy for this part is generally to let your allies go ahead, and handle
the close- range fighting, while you hang back and snipe to your little black 
heart's content. The room with tons of cushion chairs in it will prove to be a 
tough fight, so get ready. There will be Russians coming from both levels, 
from the left bottom and from the top originally, then through the elevators 
on the far side of the room, and more from the top.

In this room, look in the second elevator that opens for a collectible.

After the big hall brawl, head to the back and take a right. When you see many 
windows in a curve, prepare for three guys to break through them and start 
firing, and more to come around the corner from the left. Outside of the window
that they crash through, near the top on the left part, there will be a 

The straight hallway and long distances in the next hallway should give your 
sniper rifle the distinct advantage. Mow down the guys here, and advance.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Plant a breaching charge

Have your gun ready. Take a left and circle around. Press the action button to 
plant the charge. You'll autmoatically get out of the way, and when the door
blows, open fire immediately. Once you and your buddies take down the guards 
in here, you'll get the documents you came for.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Recover the documents

They're on a desk in the back. Press the action button to get them.

After that I guess you skip right to the part where you're at the facility.


[TPB]                   Mission 15- The Payback

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Breach the interior

To start out with here head up the road, and then take a left when there is an 
island in the middle. 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Let the patrol pass

Even though you routinely kill more people than this, they have decided that 
this is simply too many for you to handle at once. And if they notice you, 
they'll kill you instantly, too so don't go for it. Once they're past, continue
running on the path.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Breach the interior

Just keep walkin'. You'll see a guard up ahead.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Silently kill guard

You can melee if you want to, but the safest way to pull this off is through a 
throwing knife. Head forward, and you'll see the facility for the first time.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Provide sniper support

You'll take the leftmost path up to an elevated position. Your guys will run 
into the facility, and it's your job to snipe everybody you can. Especially 
look on the ledges, as many guards will come from there and take up positions 
where they can't be easily shot. Eventually, you'll clear them all out.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Breach the interior

Once that's over with, head back down to where your allies are. They want you
to take point on the catwalk for some bizarre reason (you're the sniper, 
right?). But do so anyway. Look under the lefthand catwalk for the collectible.

Get out your pistol or a machine gun. This next bit is a run and gun, but the 
enemies are mostly entrenched, so sort of take it slow and set up shots. After
you leave the narrow alley, turn around and look up on the lefthand building
roof for the next collectible.

Watch out, because these guys LOVE to throw grenades. This continues to be 
linear.  Watch out for sharp corners, sometimes they have a three-person 
welcoming party set up.


Run ahead, and your guys start poking buttons on a console. Which makes poison 
gas spread into the room. Do I detect GLaDOS? While he tries to fix it, you 
pass out like a wuss.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Locate research area

Well, anyway, now you're awake. Head through the open door, disposing of the 
chumps that run out after you.

In the first big room, there will be a HUGE firefight. Find good cover, keep 
moving, and use your squad t max advantage. You'll get grenades thrown at you, 
so make sure you throw back, and have a good automatic for this.

When your squad yells about watching the catwalks, it's time to move forward 
and mount those walks.


Push to the front of the room, if you aren't there already, and climb the 
ladder. Easy.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Locate research area

Just move forward through the tunnels here, it's dead ahead. When you find the 
room, shoot the few guards that are in it, staying on the catwalk.


Just head to the back of the room where your squad is chillin'

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Defend beacon

Man, it sure does take him a long time to plant that dang 'ol beacon. The whole
time he's getting it going, soldiers are going to be pouring in from every 
direction. Keep a special eye on the catwalk right behind the beacon and the 
ramp leading from the ground floor to the catwalk- these places get clogged and
you want to eliminate soldiers there before they have a change to move into 
better position.

Once you get it set, the airstrike's a'comin!

See what I don't get is, they knew the coordinate of the lab, but they needed 
the bomb to be just EXTREMELY specifically over the research lab? Couldn't 
they have just blown the whole place to smithereens?

Anyway, you got to go now.


You'll want to be moving post HASTE for this part. Run, with your automatic 
drawn. Shoot people as you run until the very last part, where you can see the 
outside. There duck behind the wall and take out most of the guards, then run 
while shooting out. You only have a very short time for this, so make the 
seconds count! Shoot the collectible at the end of the field before running 
out. You'll get a nice cinematic to end things!


[COF]                       Mission 16- Cold Feet

"Intel from the Russian mission points to a secret base in the Arctic. A mining
company is the cover for one of their experimental sub bases. An increase in 
naval activity in the area reinforces the intel. This base looks to be the 
testing area for the sea-based portion  of the weapon delivery system. Due to 
the nature of the operation, and the weather in the region, we can't send in a 
full team to handle. You are to parachute in, destroy the sub, and then make
your way to the surface for skyhook extraction."

Sounds easy enough. Ok, last mission. One more slow dance with death, cats and

Let's DO this.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Contact command

If you're feeling like a cowboy, you can start blowing away suckers with your 
handgun as you're parachuting in, otherwise they won't notice you until you 
land and start hucking throwing knives or silenced bullets through the cracks
in the crates. Take out the guards in the beginning area and move on.

Follow the mini-map to the star to find a radio. Remember this lil' mini game? 
Twist the dials again for further orders. Which are... just your same orders 
from earlier.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Find the sub pen entrance

There IS a new guard out in the main area so be ready. Enter the caves at the 
back of the complex. This next part is the 'ol familiar run-n-gun. In the area
with water and a path of snow through it, watch out for the sheet metal at the 
end, before you take a left turn, as it opens, as some guards come out. They 
can flank you if you aren't careful. Also be careful on the part with two 
walkways seperated by a huge gap, as soldiers just love to appear on the other 
side and take potshots at you. Reach the elevator and use the action button to 
move the level down. Whatever that says.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Locate the Soviet submarine

There's gonna be a ton of guards in this hallway, but they don't come in huge 
groups and they aren't in position, so if you move quickly and shoot them down 
in a hurry it shouldn't be an issue at all. This will continue for awhile until
you see a glowing grate on the left of the hallway. Enter the grate on the
opposite side first to get a collectible, then enter the glowing grate, then 
use the action button to open the grate on the other end.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Extend the walkway

Guards will naturally enough start pouring into the room, but you'll have to 
take them out. Head to the walkway on the opposite side of the room from where 
you entered, and use the action button to extend the bridge. Before you walk 
over, enter the door right by the control panel and look at the inside top
frame for a collectible.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Plant explosives

There isn't any resistance, so just march across that bridge to the glowing 
points on the sub (also highlighted by the stars on your radar), and use the 
action button to plant the bombs. A TIMER starts, so that should put some pep 
in your step!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Escape the sub pen

OK we got to get out of here before everything just blows sky high. Head back 
the way you came, but instead of going back up the stairs, go around them on 
the lower level. Don't worry about shooting ALL the guards! Just take out the 
ones directly in your way. The final run is pretty harrowing, as you are 
running out of time, with guards swarming from everywhere! Run and shoot from 
the hip a lot, hide only if you HAVE to, don't worry about ALL the guards, and 
remember to get the collectible behind the red blast doors on the left
side right before you make it out!

Use your skyhook, and you're OUT. That is one nice looking asplosion.

So that's that! "Enjoy" the "worthwhile" ending, and your new title! You can
now play any level on quick play.


[EPL]                  Epilogue/ Plot Summary

Alright, so the plot in brief. I'm not going to lie, it is sort of tough to
put together, and a little convoluted. BASICALLY!

This Russian guy get betrayed by his friends and defects to the US. He tells
them of some Russian secret weapon being tested in Vietnam. So they go to
Vietnam, and despite finding only towns that were pre-burnt, or towns that
they themselves burnt, got some "data" that showed that the Russians were in
on it. 

Whatever it was.

So then they go to Russia to the office building which how did they know where
it was, but anyway they found out where a bio-chemical weapons factory was
located. I guess that was what they were testing in Vietnam. The bio-chem
weapon has an airborne and sea-based delivery system. You stole their airborne
delivery system (the fancy jet), and I guess... they can't make another one.
Then you blow up their bio-chem factory, and finally you take out their 
fanciest sub. Again, I guess they can't build another one.

All that being done, though, the MAD GENIUS IS STILL OUT THERE! Tune in next


[QPL]                         Quick Play

This mode lets you replay single levels that you have already beaten in 
campaign. This is great for getting achievements and finding collectibles. 
It's basically a "replay single level" mode. Otherwise, it's identical to the
main campaign, so for more info on the individuals see that section.


[TRN]                        Training

Ok! So It's training day, a welcome refresher to you before you head out into
battle, and it's up to you to convince your superior officers that you are
capable of operating quickly and efficiently. Well, to be honest, you'll
probably spend some time flailing around like a moron, but that's neither
here nor there. By virtue of the suicidal missions they send you on, it's
a good bet that you'll be accepted no matter how badly you perform. Let's go!

You start out getting a quick briefing by Sgt. Taylor, the chump in charge of
training you (and your sorry hide). He briefly explains the nature of the
training exercise, i.e. that it is in fact TRAINING, and then proceeds to tell
you to walk. We're really starting out slow.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Follow the Drill Indstructor

Yeah just... just follow him through the door there.

Alright, now we're to the top of the course. He's going to tell you to get
cracking, then turn around and enter into his office. You'll turn left and
run down the hill, to the first of many challenges!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Mantle over the sandbags

This will be your first time using the action button. It'll flash at the bottom
of your screen when you get right next to the sandbags. Click it and you'll
automatically leap over them! Run up to the logs

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Crouch under the logs

Changing stance can actually be somewhat tricky, so don't get cocky after that
last mantle. You'll need to tap down twice, and VERY quickly. If you do that,
you should see your POV shift, and you can crawl under the logs.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Climb up the ladder

This is just two action button sequences. Approach the boxes to mantle them,
and then move right next to the ladder. Press the action button again, and 
then press up on the D-pad to climb the ladder. Huraaaay! You made it past the
obstacle part of the course. 

Some military chumps are going to pass by, but you should only care about
approaching Sgt. Taylor again, who says it's time for the firearms part of
training. Whoo!

Note the collectible on top of the boxes behind him, and head down into the
gun training area.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Follow the Drill instructor

Go ahead and do that.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Pick up the M16A1 from the table

NOW we're talking! Move next to the M161A and press the action button to get
that weapon, as the helicopter flies overhead!

As soon as you've got this guy, feel free to head back and get the collectible
from earlier, then return to the range. Remember, it's R to shoot!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Shoot the targets

You'll be shooting from the hip to accompish this task, so simply turn and
face the firing range, and squeeze out a couple shots. You can take your time
and aim, or practice the quick shooting you'll need later.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Shoot the targets

Now the game wants you to do this in ADS mode, though it doesn't force you to.
Click the ADS button to enter ADS mode, and hit the three targets again.

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Pick the the grenades

Oh GOODNESS yes. As if an M161A wasn't cool enough. Head back over to the
table and grab the pineapples by moving close to them. 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Throw a grenade at the target

You'll see a yellow glow around a window to the very right of the firing
range, and another one on a window to the left. Select grenades by clicking
on them on your HUD, and throw them through either window. There are more on
the table if you need the practice. Remember you can "cook" them by holding
the fire button, but don't hold it for too long!

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Shoot the target

Now a target shows up, protected by the plywood barrier on the right-hand side
of the course. They want you to hit it with a grenade, and it's actually kind
of tough. I've found what works great is hucking one at the target that you can
see, about at head level. That should cause the grenade to land close enough to
hit the target with splash damage. 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Knife the Straw Man

In case you ever end up in Oz, you'll know how to take out anybody without a
brain. Head over to the straw man, touch the knife icon on your HUD to draw it
and look like you are ready for some serious monkey kung-fu. Mosey on over to
the incredibly disturbing looking straw man and whap him one in the head. 

OBJECTIVE ADDED: Exit the training area

I know it seems like a shame, like you JUST got here, but it's already time to
bit a fond farewell to the training area. A door opens to your right, past the
gun table. Take it out, and good luck, soldier!


[CHL]                         Challenge Mode

This mode is pretty fantic! In it, you'll be placed in the regular levels, with
a very limited (2:00) timer. During that time, you'll have to complete the 
challenges issued at the beginning of the mode. Keep in mind that kills made
by your squad DO NOT COUNT towards your total, so if you've got squad members,
you'll want to rush ahead of them more or less continuously. You start with
most of the guns that you'll need to complete the challenges, but what guns
you don't start out with can be quickly taken off the bodies of dead soldiers
or found.

Generally, if you are just going for large numbers of kills, try to shoot from
the hip. You'll take out soldiers much more quickly than taking time to place
shots, and you don't need to worry about ammo conservation, so just blast away.
It's only when you have accuracy requirements that you really need to enter
into sniper mode.

Some of the toughest challenges for me were the kills with grenades. If you're
going for a large number of grenade kills, it's important to cook the grenades
before you throw them, otherwise enemies have ample time to run away or throw
the grenades back.

Challenge 01: 10 Kills

Challenge 02: 5 Kills with knife (throwing)

Challenge 03: 5 Kills with Mk 22 Mod 0
              5 kills with PPSh-41

Challenge 04: 5 Kills with knife (melee)

Challenge 05: 10 Kills with AK-47
              25% accuracy with AK-47

Challenge 06: 5 kills with silenced Dragunov
              10 kills with scoped AK-47

Challenge 07: 5 kills with knife (throwing)
              5 kills with AK-47
              5 kills with RPD

Challenge 08: 15 kills with XM22
              50% accuracy with XM22

Challenge 09: 5 headshots
              75% accuracy with the MK 22 Mod 0

Challenge 10: 15 kills
              5 kills with silenced M40

Challenge 11: 5 kills with silenced M40
              5 kills with grenades

Challenge 12: 5 headshots
              2 kills with knife (throwing)
              100% accuracy with knife (throwing)

Challenge 13: 15 kills
              75% accuracy

Challenge 14: 10 kills with knife (throwing)
              90% accuracy with knife (throwing)
              5 kills with knife (melee)

Challenge 15: 10 kills with M1891/59
              10 headshots

Challenge 16: 10 kills with PPSh-41
              5 kills with AK-47
              5 kills with grenades

Challenge 17: 5 kills with grenades
              10 kills with AK-47
              5 kills with knife (throwing)

Challenge 18: 15 kills
              10 kills with SKS
              75% accuracy

Challenge 19: 15 kills
              5 kills with knife (throwing)
              5 kills with knife (melee)

Challenge 20: 10 headshots
              60% accuracy

Challenge 21: 20 kills with F870

Challenge 22: 5 headshots
              5 kills with knife (melee)
              5 kills with knife (throwing)

Challenge 23: 20 kills
              85% accuracy

Challenge 24: 10 headshots
              20 kills
              50% accuracy


[ZMB]                            Zombie Mode

In Zombie mode, you'll be fighting off endless waves of zombies! Try to survive
and rack up as many points as you can. Obviously, these being zombies, head-
shots are the way to go. 

There are a few extras to keep in mind in zombie mode. The first is that in 
each of the areas, there are actually three seperate sub-areas, two of which
you have to unlock (you start in the 3rd).

They'll be barriers that block your movement. The first one will cost 5000 pts
to unlock, the second 10000. 

Also, there will be chalk outlines of guns on the wall. These are the "shops"
of zombie survival mode. Walk up to one, and you'll get an opportunity to buy
the gun that's outlined there. 

Because the zombies will be getting more health as time progresses, this is an
excellent idea, and you should do it at every opportunity. 

Powerups- 2X score
          Repair all
          Max ammo

Enemies: Lurcher- Just your standard zombie. Walks slowly after you.
         Sprinter- A standard zombie that took track & field. Runs after you.
         Fido- The most terrifying zombie: a dog that's hard to shoot and jumps

You only have one hit point, so make the most of it!


[ARC]                            Arcade Mode

This is kind of a fun take on the main missions. You're given a set number of
lives, a time limit, and otherwise the levels play just like normal. If you're
reading the walkthrough, most of the places that I urge caution you should 
disregard and run through, but otherwise this is exactly like the main mission.

Pick up guns more often, because you'll be running through a LOT more ammo,
and don't be shy about shooting from the hip if I advise sniper mode.


[KHS]                            Killhouse

This is essentially a timed, more intense obstacle course. You'll start out
getting briefed about it, and then be able to move across the room, and right
up the stairs to the course proper.

Once you kill an enemy with every weapon in the game (see: weapons), a room
to the left of where you start will open, and it'll have a huge selection of
weapons you can choose from. 

Now, this place is INTENSE. You want to be running as fast as you can, and 
forget about sniper mode ever ever. 

Since this is so crazy and all, we're gonna be handling this room by room

Room 1

Get a running start across the red and white line. You'll see a pole directly
in front of you, and a target will jump out from either the left or right side,
about 2/3 the way up. Shoot it from the hip and run 'round the corner.

Targets will appear behind two of these sandbags, dialongally from each other.
Walk forward shooting from the hip, and take them both out. Be ready to 
insantly mantle the wall at the back left.

Room 2

There will be a target right in front of you. SHOOT THAT TARGET. Then start 
running, to your right to get around the barrier then run into the large room.
There will be two targets on either the left or the right wall, one target in
one of the bottom windows, one in one of the top ones. Shoot them as quickly as
you can, while walking towards the center of the room. When there, throw a 
grenade through the glowing windows. As soon as the grenade leaves your hand,
take off at a run to the next room.

Room 3

Shoot the target right in front of you, take a right, and crouch and run 
through one of the tunnels. Crawl for as little time as possible. Shoot the
target that jumps out at you at the last minute. As soon as you're out of the
tunnel, stand up and shoot the target that appears behind the truck.Take a 
right. You'll be in the final stretch. Shoot the target right in front of you
while walking right. Once you're around the first barrier shoot the target on
the ground then look up and shoot the one in the air, while walking left. 
Be prepared to mantle the sandbags at the that juncture, then dash through
to the finish line. Done!


[CLC]                        Collectibles

These are the "find me" macguffins of this game, and can be collected by 
shooting them. They appear as stars, and completionists should "shoot for" the
whole set!


1: Found on a box right before the gun section of the training area. Grab the
M161A, come back, and shoot it. 

Mission 1 - The Recovery Job

2: On top of the leftmost gate door in mission 1, by the hinge

3: Behind a grave in the back right of the cemetery

4: Right before the hostage, it's the star on the middle Cuban flag on the
   opposite walkway

5: Behind the bell in the area where the hostage is

Mission 2 - Breaking Free

6: In a room with a ventilation fan, right below the fan

7: In the shower stall in the bathroom (after you get the information)

8: Behind the second desk you come to while running away after contacting HQ.

9: Behind some crates right before the exit

Mission 3 - On the Run

10: Walk into the first big room, turn around, and face the entrance. The star 
    is on the right of the door, behind some crates

11: Behind a gap in the the wall on the righthand side in the tunnels after the
    big room
12: Right after the defend-the-area minigame, behind some sandbags to the right

13: Behind a hill on the right side of the area where the helicopter lands.

Mission 4 - Coastal Run

14: When you go down the stairs into the first big room, hug the wall and head
    back up behind the stairs, the collectible will be in a hole back there.

15: Right before you mantle the obstacle to slide down, head down the alley to
    the left, and look to the left in the courtyard.

16: In the grating at the end of the drainage ditch section where you have to
    put explosives on the car

17: Behind a group of barrels to the left of the truck you escape in, right
    after you leave it

Mission 5 - To the Rescue

No Collectibles- Vehicle Level

Mission 6- Welcome to the Jungle

18: Right before you fall down the pit, turn around and hug the right side of
    the wall. Round the corner, heading back to the start, and look up. The 
    collectible will be up there

19: When you hit a fork in the first tunnel you fall into, take a right. The
    collectible will be in a nook to your right down that tunnel

20: Right before you enter the second, larger tunnel, look behind a fern to
    your left. 

21: When you reach the burning village, make a right immediately and look up
    the cliff face. It's in a cleft over there.

Mission 7 - Hung Out to Dry

22: On top of the telephone pole in the courtyard where you're doing the first

23: Right after the part where you mantle the obstacle and take cover, run
    to the end of the alley, and turn around facing the obstacle you just 
    climbed. Look on top of the largest stack of crates

24: Right after the explosion and the rescue, you'll head down some stairs.
    Once you're down them, head behind them and look at the gap behind them

25: After the explosion and the rescue, you'll eventually leave a building and
    take a right to continue. At this point, you'll see a spare tire against a
    building and a crate, and to the left of those, a telephone pole. Look on
    the board nailed to the telephone pole partway up, it's on one of the

Mission 8- Behind Enemy Lines

26: In the first major courtyard, it's halfway up a telephone pole towards the
    back, where the caves are.

27: In the underground river right after the first multi-level 

28: The second area in which you have to mantle an obstacle, take a right
    before the cave you go in. Head back around, hugging the edge of the cliff.
    The collectible will be behind a little lip on the cliff

29: In the village you have to protect at the end, by the wrecked car, front
    left (your right) wheel.

Mission 9 - New Alliance

No collectibles - vehicle level

Mission 10 - Light it up!

No collectibles- vehicle level

Mission 11 - River Raiders

30. On the docks behind the house where you start the on-foot part of the level

31. Just a little down the road from the starting shack, there'll be a cave on
    the right hand side. On the left-hand back of the cave, there's one.

32. Further down the road, look for a downed helicopter. The collectible is on
    the far side of it. You can see it from the right of the copter.

33. In a hut in the village you have to set up people in a mini-game to defend,
    it's on the front-right side.

Mission 12- Last Heli Out

34. Right after the first area blows up, the item can be found by turning
    around and looking in a tree

35. In the swampy part, move past the road out at the end, and take a right.
    The collectible will be under some roots back here

36. When you're on the overlook with the village you have to blow up in sight,
    look to your left. The collectible will be on the lefthand ledge

37. When you reach the final helicopter, take a left immediately after you exit
    the building, then look behind the crates

Mission 13 - Stolen Wings

No collectibles- vehicle level

Mission 14: To the Motherland

38. There are several fire-escape stairs leading up to second-story platforms
    in the area with the first major gun battle. The collectible is behind the
    door on the one of those furthest back from your starting position.

39. Right when you get in the elevator up to the second level, before you hit
    the button, walk forward until you hit the yellow and black caution strips.
    Look to your right, the collectible will be back there.

40. In the big room with the gunfight on the second floor, it's in the second
    elevator that opens in the back of the room

41. Outside of the window that the three guys crash through, very near the
    window and towards the top, to the left of the middle.

Mission 15 - The Payback

42. In the area where you are supposed to be covering your team with sniper
    support, it is underneath the left walkway, hidden behind a wall there.

43. Right after the area where you provide sniper coverage, move down the
    stairs and keep going until you're even with the path you came in on. Then
    look up, the collectible is on the roof of the lefthand building.

44. In the treeline in the beginning

45. It's at the end of the field at the very end. Shoot it before you run out
    into the field, or you'll miss it because of the cutscene.

Mission 16 - Cold Feet
46. In one of the building ceilings in the beginning

47. At the part where you have to crawl in the vent to get to the submarine,
    crawl in the vent on the opposite wall, and follow the tunnel to this one

48. In the room with the submarine, go through the open door on the opposite
    side of the catwalk as you entered from. The collectible will be hidden
    behind the upper doorframe

49. Behind the door leading out of the cave in the final exit


50. Right when you finish the course, in the exit doorway, turn around 
    and look up.


[AWD]                             Awards

Awards are like achievements- they are titles you get by completing certain
tasks or meeting certain qualifications in single or multi-player play. All
awards let you assign a title to yourself in multi-player, with some being
obviously more prestigious than others. SOME even let you unlock certain perks
in multi-player!

Awards are set up like this:

*Award name - Condition for award - Player Title/**Perk**

Note: SP = Single Player
      MP = Multi-Player

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