Rebellion is more famous for the console games it makes than for PC games. Founded by two brothers, Jason and Chris Kingsley in 1991, Rebellion is best known for Aliens vs. Predator for 20th Century Fox, as well as a Delta Force game and a Rainbow Six game for other publishers. It also owns the Judge Dredd property and did Dredd vs. Death in 2003. Sniper Elite is their first PC/DVD title. 2.3 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS From the README file: DirectX 9.0c required (included on the disk) Minimum System Requirements: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP 1 GHz Pentium CPU or equivalent GeForce 2 32Mb 256 Mb RAM DirectX 8 compatible sound card 4 Gb free hard disk space DVD-ROM drive Recommended System Requirements: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP 1.4 GHz Pentium CPU or equivalent GeForce 4 Ti or better 512 Mb RAM DirectX 8 compatible sound card 4 Gb free hard disk space DVD-ROM drive 2.4 HOW DOES THIS GAME PLAY? SE is a WW2 shooter with a difference. You are an elite sniper, working for the American OSS (predecessor of CIA) trying to prevent the Russian NKVD (secret police), from obtaining German weapon research. In other words, they've been fighting a cold war before such a term was even coined! You can go anywhere on the map, within certain limits (i.e. some places are blocked off, quite a few 2nd story or higher locations are not open, etc.) Good sniper spots are marked on the map, etc. 2.5 BUGS AND FIXES The game is very stable and never crashed even once on my test computer. 2.6 EXPANSION PACKS? SEQUELS? RELATED TITLES? No expansion at this time, no sequels. 3 Your weapons and equipment They are organized by the game into several categories 3.1 PISTOL Your Walther P38 has a silencer fitted by the OSS. You start with only 16 rounds, 8-rd magazine. You can pick up more ammo from down enemy officers. 3.2 SNIPER RIFLE Sniper rifle ammo can be found on enemy snipers that you killed. You usually also get some rounds at the beginning of the level. 3.2.1 G43 (Gewehr 43) This "sniper" rifle is actually just a regular rifle with a scope. It is not that accurate, though it has the most powerful round (least amount of drop due to gravity). 5-rd magazine. 3.2.2 Tokarev SVT-40 This Soviet sniper rifle is prized by the Germans as an excellent example of long-range firearm, but not as accurate as the Mosin- Nagant. It is also semi-automatic. 5-rd magazine. 3.2.3 Mosin-Nagant M91 The most famous sniper rifle of the Eastern Front. Wielded by none other than Vasily Zeitzev himself, the Mosin-Nagant gained notoriety as one of the most effective sniper rifles. The problem is its bullets are NOT as powerful as the SVT or even the German G43, thus you need to put in more compensation for bullet drops and windage correction. However, in the right hands, it is DEADLY. Also 5-rd magazine. 3.3 SUBMACHINE GUN / MACHINE GUN Most enemies (except the snipers) will carry a MG or SMG, which means ammo should be plentiful if you ration yourself. On the other hand, most corpses only yield about 5-10 rounds. So you should limit the use of your MG/SMG. 3.3.1 PPSh-41 The Russian equivalent to the American Thompson submachine gun (i.e. the Tommy Gun), it has a drum magazine and holds up to 71 rounds. However, it's also wildly inaccurate. 3.3.2 MP-40 The MP-40 is one of the better submachine guns in WW2, short, easy to make, reasonably accurate, and puts out a lot of fire. It has a 32 rd magazine. 3.3.3 MG-42 The MG-42 is one of the best machine-guns in WW2, with tremendous rate of fire (up to 3X of any allied MG). Its ammo is quite rare though. In this game you can go Rambo by firing this from your hip. Each "belt" is 50 rds. 3.3.4 RPD The Soviet equivalent of MG-42, it's recognized by a "frisbee" magazine on the top of the gun, as well as a bipod. You can go "Rambo" with this MG as well, but its ammo is also quite rare. 3.4 HEAVY WEAPON There's only one. 3.4.1 Panzershrek The German version of the bazooka, it fires a shaped charge that'll defeat almost any tank. Ammo is extremely rare, and you'll need almost every round you get. 3.5 THROWN EXPLOSIVES This game has a lot of explosives to chuck around, and you'll need most of them. To throw a grenade, select the item, then hold down left mouse button to get the throwing aim. Most mouse until desired impact point is chosen. With left button held down, tap the RIGHT mouse button to throw the grenade. (It's complicated, I know) 3.5.1 Frag Grenade The "pine-apple" style grenade. Enough said. 3.5.2 Stick Grenade I.e. the German potato-masher. This allows you to throw it really far, but doesn't explode that hard. 3.5.3 TNT A bundle of TNT. Can be throw, then detonated with a nicely aimed bullet. Great for long-range demolition (make sure you are at least 30 meters away, or you'll take damage!), and even the occasional tank plinking. Throw the TNT bundle (yes, you can throw it just like a grenade) to the spot, then retreat and shoot it. You can pick up your TNT bundle for reuse. TNT can also be dropped at a certain location. 3.6 OTHER EXPLOSIVES These must be set, and cannot be thrown. 3.6.1 Time Bomb A bundle of C4 (cannot be detonated by a bullet) with a timer, can be set between 1 to 30 minutes. Must be dropped at the right location. (You'll see big white outline of a time bomb when you get to the right spot). You can pick it up and reset the timer if you change your mind. 3.6.2 Trip-wire grenade (i.e. tripmine) The trip-wire grenade is basically a grenade with trigger attached to a trip-wire. It's powerful enough to kill trucks and cars and half-tracks, but not enough to kill tanks. It'll also kill LOTS of soldiers if they are in the vicinity. To set one, select it, then plant it, pull back to a spot, plant the other stake. The wire will be in between. When anything touches the wire, kaboom! Yes, that means you too, or enemy bodies blasted by one mine. I've seen it happen. I had two mines within 3 meters of each other defending the exit of staircase and corridor. One guy walked up, boom! His body was propelled and dropped right onto the wire of the 2nd grenade. To prevent one guy from triggering multiple grenades, plant them at least 5 meters apart, preferably 7-10 meters apart. NOTE: If you are prone, you may have problem setting trip mine between two different elevations, like road and sidewalk. As soon as you back onto the sidewalk, the wire disappears and the mine "cancels". Crouch instead. Once set, trip-wire grenades can only be detonated (by a grenade). 3.7 OTHER ITEMS 3.7.1 Rock Yes, you have a piece of rock in your inventory. It's great for making noises for enemies to investigate, giving you a chance to sneak or to ambush the guards. 3.7.2 Bandage Usually found by frisking bodies, bandage heals about 25% of your wounds (Your "man meter", red = damaged) 3.7.3 Med-pack Med-pack is a full first-aid kit. A use will fully-heal any damage you have suffered. Try not to use it unless you have a surplus of med-packs. 4 Various Tactics 4.1 GENERAL TACTICS 4.1.1 Grab every bit of ammo and equipment Your starting spot often has some extra equipment for you to pickup. Look for open boxes and such with lots of ammo and such. You want as much ammo as possible, even if you don't have the gun for it yet. 4.1.2 Check every body. if possible Each body may yield a couple rounds of ammo, bandages, grenades, and so forth. However, if the body is exposed, move the body to a secure location before doing detailed frisking. 4.1.3 Go from cover to cover Stay in cover, even if you have to go the long-way around. Stay next to walls, only peek around corners, and so on. 4.1.4 Check the skyline for snipers Sniper will search their assigned sector for enemies, and engage. Once he fired, he will hide, reload, then reacquire and reengage. This cycle can take 10-20 seconds. Thus, if you got shot at, find cover quickly, and prepare to find him as he pops back out to reacquire. 4.1.5 Pay attention to sound Footsteps nearby is a sure sign enemies are coming closer. 4.1.6 Consider wounding instead of killing Shoot a guy in the leg or in the chest. He'll writhe on the ground, and if there are any more hostiles alive they may go to his aid, giving you a chance to score a two-for-one. Another possibility is shoot a guy in the arm or shoulder, or just hit close to him. He'll get spooked and move away from his cover. Thus giving you time to move to another position, or to plant a surprise if he comes to investigate later. 4.1.7 Wide angle view Stay in normal vision most of the time, only use the scope or binoc when you need to get a detailed view of a specific section. High mag also means reduced field of view. Which means you may miss an enemy coming at you. 4.1.8 "Instant switch" A good way to play is to leave the MG/SMG armed. If you need the rifle, hit space to bring up the scope. Hit space again will immediately switch you back to the MG/SMG. This is a lot faster than the normal weapon switch, which can take up to 5 seconds as you must put away one weapon and pull another. 4.2 MOVEMENT TIPS 4.2.1 Almost always crouch, sometimes prone Crouch gives you almost the same forward speed as stand-up run, but much stealthier. Only stand up if you need to peek into a window, or if you are carrying someone or a dead body. In dangerous areas, go prone. 4.2.2 Clear a room with grenade(s) Grenades are the best way to clear small rooms. Lob one through the window or door and watch the fireworks. On the other hand, grenades do have limited range and may not kill all enemies in a large room. So follow up with your MG/SMG. 4.2.3 Try to expose your RIGHT arm first As that is your shooting arm. If you expose your left arm first, then shoot, you may end up shooting the wall. 4.2.4 Displace and shoot. Relocate after firing one or two rounds. Every shot gives the enemy a vector to your location. Even a covert kill provides SOME clues to the enemy. Thus, displace after every shot is best. 4.3 CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT TACTICS 4.3.1 Get close Preferably, close enough that you can't miss, which means directly in the guy's path, but behind him. 4.3.2 Go for headshots One shot in the head is an instant kill, compared to 2-3 into the torso. 4.3.3 Pistol for covert kills Your pistol has a silencer, really. It's quiet, and if you get close and aim for the head, it'll put a guy down in one shot. If you have to aim for the body, do triple-tap (three shots at the torso). 4.3.4 Use the right gun Sniper rifle is not the weapon for close-quarters combat. Get a MG or SMG. In a pinch, a pistol will do, but you lack ammo for those. 4.4 COVERT TACTICS 4.4.1 Silent Kill Use the pistol. One shot in the head will put the guy down. Remember the cursor turns red when it's over the enemy. 4.4.2 Hide the body If enemy patrol the area regularly, you should hide the body by picking up the body and dumping it elsewhere. In fact, hide the body before doing detailed search of it. 4.4.3 Shoot the grenade on the enemy? Supposedly, it's possible to hit the grenade hanging off a soldier's belt. And if you do that, the group goes "kaboom"! Thus, you don't even need to "throw" that far! 4.4.4 Shoot truck As trucks can go boom quite easily, the more people standing next to the truck, the better when it goes boom. 4.4.5 Shoot during sound of artillery strike If there are frequent artillery strikes in your area, shoot when the strike hits the ground will mask your gunshot sound. 5 Hostile Forces Here's a quick summary of the forces you can encounter 5.1 SOLDIERS Note: all soldiers react to noises, esp. gunshots. Displace after each shot, or risk getting surrounded. 5.1.1 NKVD Officers Officers are armed with a machine gun such as RPD / MG-42, and have dogtags for you to collect, as well as other stuff. 5.1.2 NKVD Grunts They are armed with the drum-mag submachine guns, and they are deadly at close-range. Usually grouped with an officer as a 3-4 men patrol group. When one member is attacked, the entire group will seek to flush out the shooter. 5.1.3 NKVD Snipers Snipers are extremely deadly. You can tell they are around as they fire one shot at a time, and you better take them out first before they get you. Many can even go prone! Most hide on rooftops and shoot one shot at a time. They will hide, reload, then reemerge to shoot. So figure out where they shot from, then look at the skyline for them to reemerge. 5.1.4 German Officer Usually an SS officer? Pistol and/or grenade. 5.1.5 German Grunt Armed with MP-40 or MG-42 5.1.6 German Sniper Armed with a G43 and maybe grenades. 5.1.7 Resistance Fighter Dressed in whatever they can scavenge, armed with a myriad of weapons. 5.2 TANKS Two tanks in the game, both have machine gun AND main cannon. The main cannon will kill you dead, whereas machinegun will just hurt you. 5.2.1 Tiger I With a 88mm adapted from an AA gun, this was one of the best WW2 tanks ever produced. Its main problem was the weight. 5.2.2 T-34 T-34 is one of the best known tanks of WW2 mainly because the Russians built so many of them. Simple to make (for a tank), reasonably fast, and later upgraded to an 85mm cannon, this tank (and the Russian winter) won the war of attrition against the Germans in WW2. 5.3 OTHER VEHICLES 5.3.1 Armored car It's all black with 6 wheels. It has a nasty machine gun. Kill it with a TNT bundle, sniped. 5.3.2 Truck Trucks are everywhere. Fortunately, trucks also have a gas tank on the LEFT with a gas cap that can be easily sniped. Trucks are pretty easy to kill, at least on easier difficulty levels. 5.3.3 Motorcycle w/ sidecar Very easy to kill. Hose it with machine gun, or put a trip mine across its path. 6 Campaign Walkthru There are a total of 28 missions, many of which are grouped together into "operations", so to speak. The game wasn't always clear on the name of the mission, and the name of the operation. For the purpose of this guide, each mission takes place on a single map (i.e. a single location). The savegame's "name" is used as the mission name. Missions are grouped together into operations (or mini-campaigns). 6.1 KARLSHORST 6.1.1 Meet the informant Briefing: Infiltrate the town, rendezvous with the local resistance agent. Situation: Some buildings, some snipers... Small groups of NKVD grunts and an officer or two are all over the place. They are concentrated around the roadblocks, but they also appear in various places. There are two tanks running around. One German, one Russian. There's a German supply depot to the NW, but it's not necessary for you to approach it. Goal: Rendezvous at location specified. Suggested tactics: Stealth and long-range kills are your friends. As the tutorial suggests, cover open ground prone and in quick bursts. If you take a shot, change location immediately as enemies can and will sweep for snipers. Walkthru: Head north, keep to cover as much as possible. You may spot a guy to the east. You can sneak around him or try to take him out. It doesn't matter if you succeed or not, displace, then worry about collecting your trophy. Your next enemy would be to northwest. Two choices. Once possibility is to get into the riverbed, and emerge in the next building, but often enemy patrols may hear you shuffling around. Another possibility is to NE across the river, then directly west. There's a patrol to your west near the dead car. Use pistol to shoot him in the back. You'll see more enemies to north and northeast. Take care of them, get through the ruins, and your path should be clear to the rendezvous. Find the building, then go around. There's a slope leading up to upper level, your contact is there. Walk up to trigger the cutscene. Cutscene: you rendezvous with the resistance agent. It appears that his colleague was captured by the NKVD. You need to locate him, then rescue him, and take him to a resistance safehouse. Goal: Rescue resistance fighter The resistance fighter is being held in a facility to the west, just south of the depot. Remember, the enemy tank patrols there, so try not to get its attention. In fact, don't go that far west. Go back to that building with camo nets, go through the tunnel and back into the river bed. Look for the slope that'll take you south, up and out of the place, but look for a sniper right at the exit on rooftop. Take him out when you see him. You'll attract some fire, so go back through the tunnel and head west, and hide when the tank comes along. Then head south. Or you can tough it out and try to go through. It's up to you. Get close to the building. If you approach the building from NE you should be able to see the guard inside. Take him out with a long shot. Continue infiltration and clear the room. Goal: Deliver fighter to safehouse Grab all the grenades and ammo and such in the area. Do NOT go near the other door. There are enemies that way and if they see you they'll rush you. Once you grabbed all the ammo, go prone and go back north, leave the guy there for now. Make sure "plaza" you came through (just North of the room) is still empty of enemies. If it is, carry the guy and stash him in the corner just East of the door you went through. If not. NKVD will rush the room and you need to play "defend the Alamo" for a while. Your ultimate objective is to reach the staircase to your NE. You can cross two blocks without any risk of exposure that way. The problem is surviving the trip. With your buddy in a secure location, carefully sneak out and look to SE, and should spot more NKVD. Engage them, and eliminate this 3-men patrol. You should be able to reach the stairs unchallenged. Climb up and go into the corridor. Then slowly climb down the other end. Stash him in a good spot. There's another 3-men patrol you need to take out before you can reach the safehouse. You have two choices. You can run for it, or you can take out the patrol first. I prefer the proactive approach. Slowly, prone, sneak out and look to NE/N and you should spot them. If not, pick up the guy and run East, slightly south, into the ruins, and left turn into the safehouse. Your arrival triggers a cutscene. Cutscene: resistance leader thanks you for saving his friend. You're welcome to any supplies they grabbed. Grab as much as you want. Russians by this time may be assaulting the safehouse. Help the resistance, eliminate the Russians. Goal: Ex-filtrate It's time to exfiltrate. Head for exfil point carefully, as you WILL run into a sniper or two. Watch the rooftops, esp. when you've been shot at. When you're one block away, you'll see this Soviet T-34 tank. You can't get past it as it doesn't move. much. You also trigger a cutscene. Cutscene: you can kill the tank by blowing up the external tank cap on the right rear of the tank. The cap is quite visible. It's not that exposed, so you'll need to be a good shot. And watch for soldiers nearby who will react to gun shots, but an exploding tank should take care of them as well. Watch for a sniper in the area though. Once you've taken care of the tank, and eliminated the rest of the roadblock, keep sneaking, and you'll be out, and that ends this mission. 6.1.2 Supply Raid Briefing: assist German resistance (GR) in eliminating the NKVD guards holding an ammo dump, and a tank park. Get the ammo dump to resupply, and assist the team in destroying the tanks by covering them. Situation: Some buildings, few snipers, mainly at ground level. Small groups of NKVD grunts and an officer or two are all over the place. Snipe the pillboxes first, take out any guards that investigate, then help the rebels take the ammo dump (to east). Then sneak in and do the same to the tank park (to west). Deal with any other objectives that appear. Then exit the map. Goal: Approach the pillboxes as directed and empty them. Two are specified on the map at the ammo dump. Collect all the stuff next to you as you start. You'll need the TNT later. The first one is quite visible, though the guy inside may not be. Remember to hold your breath, and try to time the shot in time with the falling artillery to cover your shot's sound. Also remember to account for bullet drop. Once you got both pillboxes, you get a new goal. Goal: Cover GR forces advancing on the ammo dump. The rebels will rush in and shoot all they can, but they need cover. Head in and start killing every Russian you can spot. Kill at least two Russkies (the more the merrier) to satisfy the next goal. Arm submachine gun and run in with them, shoot every NKVD on sight. NOTE: If you want to save yourself some trouble later, get behind one of the GR fighters during the fight, and "accidentally" kill one of those holding a Panzershrek. Once you do, grab the Panzershrek. You can use it later. Remember to grab more ammo from the down guy too. With that complete, it's time to move onto the other goal. Eliminate guards at the tank park. However, grab all ammo and perhaps the MP40 at the ammo dump. It's more accurate than the Russian sub-machinegun. Goal: Approach the pillboxes as directed and empty them. Two are specified on the map at the tank park. Go ahead and run toward the other part, but stop before you reach the big bend. Go prone and sneak. While the corner has a nice spot for sniping, it's occupied. Head into the door carefully and watch for a NKVD officer hiding there. Try to get rid of him silently. Then use that spot to get rid of the guard in the pillbox. Now you get to decide. Go end-run, or go through the middle. If you want an end-run, go right and follow the dead street cars to the far corner. Else, there's a door in the middle, which leads you to a spot where you can see the pillbox, though it doesn't give you a very good spot to shoot. The far one is not that much better. Any way, I prefer the end-run, as it also let you see the guards easier. Use pistol to get rid of the closest one at the tent, crawl past the tank and use that as cover to take out the rest of the visible guards, AND the one in the pillbox. Once you got the pillbox, next objective starts. Goal: Cover GR forces as they destroy the tanks. The rebels should attack now as they put a panzershrek into each tank AND fight Russians. Help them by snipe each and every Russian, as 3-4 will start appearing out of the side streets. Help the Rebels get rid of them. Don't get too close to a tank as the rebels won't shoot them if you're too close. they don't want to kill you. Help them clear the area. When the area is clear of NKVD, collect ammo, and approach the tents. Two of them have ammo crates, which you will need ASAP. You also trigger a cutscene. Cutscene: ammo dump is under attack by Russian forces with armor support. Help the rebels beat back the Russians. Goal: Destroy the Russian force (with tank) attacking the rebels at the ammo dump. Feel free to run back, as there shouldn't be any enemies in your way. Russians have multiple infantry along with a Tiger tank. Unfortunately, you have NO panzershrek. (Or perhaps you DID manage to obtain one?) If you don't have panzershrek: Concentrate on killing infantry first. You best bet is to hide at a pillbox (maybe the southern one) and use that as cover to kill Russian infantry, and hope the tank won't kill you in one shot. Once all the infantry's clear, throw TNT behind the tank (must be behind, as front won't do anything). Then RUN for cover, and snipe the TNT from a safe distance. Boom! The tank goes bye-bye. If you *do* have a panzershrek: then hide and kill the tank with a flank shot. Then kill the rest of the Russian soldiers. Now head to the exfil point back at the tank park. However, watch out as you may run into additional Russians. Once you get there, mission ends. 6.2 ASSASSINATE BORMANN Briefing: Bormann is cooperating with the Russians, and cannot be allowed to defect. He knows too much. He is hiding in the Reichstag, very heavily guarded. You don't really want to be detected heading in. Try blowing up some trucks as diversion. The less people escorting him, the better chance you have of killing him when he leaves tomorrow. You may be able to sneak in when the Russians launch an attack at about 2330 hours, as they believe there's a stash of Heavy Water (needed for atomic research) at the Reichstag. 6.2.1 Reichstag Situation: Reichstag is VERY heavily guarded and patrolled, with pillboxes and guards all around. Sneaking in IS possible, but won't be easy. Goal: Get inside without triggering any alarms In front of you is a walking guard. The best way to ambush him is to get behind the truck to your NW and keep it between you and him. Save the game. When he comes around, and turns around, sneak up behind him and kill him with the pistol. Look at the other guard with your binocs. While he's looking the other way, sneak up to the hole in the wall and get inside. Goal: Blow up the trucks to reduce Bormann's escort This one may be tougher, and you may want to wait until the Russians attack, thus attracting the attention of the patrols. There's a sniper on the roof and he'll kill you if you don't get rid of him first. But shots will attract attention, so wait until the Russians invite even MORE attention. Once that happens, kill the sniper. Then plant at least one timebomb (set to 30 minutes) at the 2 trucks. Goal complete! Goal: Reach the statue in the back of Reichstag to retrieve secret document Get into the trench around the building. You may want to go around to the east to avoid the battle, as the Russians are attacking from the west. If you go around on the west side, you risk getting shot at by Germans. However, on the East side there will be Germans as well, and the trip is a lot longer. Reach the side of the statue AWAY from the Reichstag to trigger the cutscene. Cutscene: you retrieve the document. Keep moving toward that AA gun. You'll also get a new objective and a cutscene. Cutscene: That AA gun is slaughtering the Russians, and the tank can't seem to engage it. You're trapped inside unless you break the stalemate. By killing the German defenders. Goal: Eliminate the AA gun and the German unit defending it to help the Russians break in, causing more chaos. Watch out for another sniper on the roof covering the north courtyard, as well as multiple Germans patrolling the area. Snipe the AA crew by shooting through the peephole. Yes, it can be done. Then shoot all the defenders. Hide behind the hedge wall. Blow up the truck by shooting the gas cap (or use a grenade, it's up to you). You probably need to destroy the truck to fulfill this goal. Goal: Exfil to the west toward Brandenburg Gate. Take the smaller exit (the one almost at NW corner). There are two Russians guarding it. Take the sniper rifle and go on top of the mound of dirt, and shoot the guy running away and back. Watch out as he's got a RPD, which is a nasty MG. Then arm pistol and head over and shoot the other guy just behind the mound of debris. Continue and you'll exit the mission. 6.2.2 Brandenburg Gate Briefing: Bormann will arrive in less than 15 minutes. You have to get inside to meet with the other OSS agent to obtain additional supplies and intel before his arrival, without being seen by the guards. Then work on the ambush. Situation: This is an ambush, so you should work on ambush as much as possible. Drop TNT in strategic locations, as well as tripwire grenades, can be very helpful. Initial stealth is needed, and for getting away. Goal: Meet up with the OSS agent. You start just outside the gate, to the north. Head for your right (southwest), as there are 2 guards to your left (southeast). Head inside and sneak your way to the meeting point. Or, if you feel aggressive, head in there and kill both of guards without raising the alarm. Move carefully, but speedily, as you must leave yourself enough time to plant the ambush. Don't kill any one except as a covert kill. Get to the OSS agent who'll give you a new SVT rifle, among other goodies. Continue to head south toward the entrance. Try to sneak behind the patrol, kill only if absolutely necessary. Head for the sub- objective and go through the hole in the wall. Get inside, turn right, then another right. Plant a stick of TNT right at the left corner, beyond enemy's view, but almost into the street. Bormann should be arriving ANY second now, quickly go back the way you came, through the hole in the wall, and turn right slightly and head for more cover. Get to a place where you can spot your TNT but not too close. By this time Bormann's convoy should be here. New Goal. Goal: Kill Bormann Sub-goal: kill Kolekov, his NKVD contact When ready, shoot that stick of TNT you dropped at the corner. BOOM! That should kill just about everybody on the premises, including the two guys you need to kill. If not. start tossing grenades into the mix, and shoot any survivors. Goal: Exfiltrate Now it's time to boogie. If you want, shoot the rest of NKVD guards, but it's not necessary. Head back to where you got the rifle, and that's the exit point. 6.3 EXTRACT AGENT Briefing: We have an agent in the German science group. However his contact has not reported in. Get in there, help GR hold off the NKVD, and then locate the contact. We need to extract that agent ASAP! 6.3.1 Missing Contact Goal: Take over the "bridge" Grab the stuff next to you first. When ready, head forward (prone, of course) and start picking off the soldiers on the bridge. You need to find the stairs that'll lead you up. Once you get inside, plan tripwire grenades right at the entrance, then another in middle of stairs. Then another on top of the stairs (after killing all the guards first, of course). If you want, plant one more at the door to bridge. Keep the rest of the grenades. Once you killed all the guards on the bridge, goal is complete. And you get a new goal. Goal: defend this location against NKVD counterattack. Back up and stay prone, get behind a set of sandbags. Arm sub- machine gun. A bunch of NKVD will rush the bridge from below. Try to shoot them from the bridge (you'll need to kneel up) but it's okay if you didn't kill anybody below. Listen carefully as a bunch of NKVD will rush up the stairs. Let's hope the traps you laid for them will get most of them. Hose the rest with your sub machinegun. Kill all of them, and get a new goal Goal: Go to the hidden ammo cache Head back down, and it's time to look at the original rendezvous location (to NE). Head for the ammo cache. Kill any one in your way. Take the small alley and carefully move in. Expect to see heavy opposition, as you'll see another bridge and more bad guys. When you're at the cache, it's at the bottom of a building. Chuck a grenade inside first. Boom! Toasted Russian. Go inside and claim the goodies, including a Panzershrek (bazooka) and at least 2 rounds. You'll need to use it soon. Grab all the goodies and heal any wounds. Time for next goal. Goal: Go to rendezvous point Move slowly from the "bunker". Exit the alley toward the next goal. A truck should come toward you. Get behind it, and kill everybody getting off. Then get out the Panzershrek and kill the T-34 following it. Consult the map. You need to cross this street into the alley across, but there may be a few NKVD approaching. Kill them, and get into that alley. Continue, and you'll find a building with an open door. That's the rendezvous point. Head inside to trigger a cutscene. Cutscene: you move the cabinet aside to reveal the drop point. And a message: Rendezvous moved 2 klicks north. Now you need to make your way across hostile terrain again. Fortunately you've cleared most of this already, but watch out for additional Russkies. As soon as you get out of the building, turn back and kill a Russky that spawned inside. Continue down. You should spot a truck. Looks like Russkies are pilfering art. Toss a grenade to kill them all. Run in with your MG and kill any survivors. Continue to rendezvous point exit. To next part of the mission. 6.3.2 Meet the Courier Situation: the courier had stated that the meeting place was moved north. You have to locate the courier. Or what's left of him. Goal: Locate the courier Grab all the goodies at starting point. Arm pistol. Head out. You should see a dead truck. Go under it, and you should see a NKVD with his back to you. Shoot him in the head. Then shoot his buddy one block down with your sniper rifle. Do NOT approach this next guy as one guy will emerge from side street with grenade, and one hit can kill you. Turn LEFT and watch for a sniper on the balcony of a destroyed 2-story building. Kill him. Back to where you killed the 2nd guy, approach carefully, even toss a grenade into that alley. You don't want that guy to get a grenade off. Two or three more MG equipped Russkies will approach. Kill them all. Approach the rendezvous point carefully. You should see a wrecked car. The courier's next to it. dead. You flipped him over and found a map. Goal: head toward the square Take whatever route that is convenient toward the next objective. However, arm Panzershrek, as a tank will soon approach and you don't want to be looking down its cannon barrel! And don't get too close as back blast CAN kill you. Kill any infantry escorting it as well. You're at a large street with a bridge, burned trams, a few dead trucks. Watch for a sniper on the uppermost floor, upper left corner of a building. You'll know which one. Kill the sniper. Turn around and kill a MG-42 guy coming from your right. Go there, which is toward the exit. Carefully approach and you'll find a couple Russkies around an armored car. Toss a grenade or two at it, and boom! The armored car's history, and so are the Russkies. Kill the rest, and head toward the exit point to end the level. 6.3.3 Infiltrate the Square Situation: The square is heavily guarded. An OSS agent will brief you on the updated situation. However, multiple Germans are now hunting you. Try to pick them off quietly and keep moving, else they will surround you and flush you. Goal: Meet the OSS contact Approach carefully, pickup any goodies at the starting location. Head toward the rendezvous point. You should spot a cluster of hostiles. Fix that with a grenade, and pick off the rest. Continue. If you come to a big building with front completely gone, watch for a sniper on 3rd floor. Take him out, plus any other attackers. Follow the pointer to an empty square. You should see a dead T- 34. Your OSS contact is behind that. Go talk to him. Goal: Kill German officer. GR needs his uniform and papers to prepare a truck for the agent's extraction. If you killed the sniper, you'd realize the German officer is right underneath. So head back (doubt there's any more hostiles), except for the random German patrols. Sneak in, and kill the officer with a pistol shot in the back of the head. Grab his corpse and run back to the rendezvous, but this time, turn left then right and down into the cellar. Drop the body there. Goal: Get to the French Cathedral Now just head to the exit point, quietly is preferred. Shoot at any one that saw you. When you reach the exit, the mission ends. 6.3.4 French Cathedral Situation: The French cathedral has three buildings. Our agent is in one, and there's a tower on the SE corner. Take that tower, and protect the agent for extraction. Goal: Get inside the cathedral walls Grab all the goodies, then run for the ruins to your left front, and climb up into the corner. There's a passage to the left (where a dead body is), and that leads to an exit into the cathedral courtyard. Goal: Get into the tower to cover the agent's extraction Two soldiers patrol the tower building, and you need to get there before the clock strikes xx:30, as there will be an air raid by the Russians and the agent will run for it at that time. However, that doesn't mean you have time to waste. Your time should be spent on planting some traps using those tripwire grenades. I would plant 1 across the main steps, in the middle of the staircase. Plant another tripmine across the bottom. Then plant another two across the NE corner, between the staircase and the staff car. At least 15 meters apart. None for the NW corner. The air raid will take care of them. Keep planting more, but don't be seen by the guards patrolling. Leave one tripmine for yourself. You may also consider leaving some timebombs, and TNT about that you can shoot for further kabooms. Now get up the steps and into the church. Remember, you need to leave yourself enough time for you to reach the top! Once inside, head for the top. There's a break in the middle. Once in the 2nd staircase, plant the last tripmine across the entrance. This is your security. Now crawl your way to the top, as fast as you can. You need to get into position before the time is up. Once you're there, you get a cutscene: you send a mirror signal. Now just wait. Goal: Protect agent, protect truck Then you get the cutscene where the agent runs and gets out, Germans in hot pursuit. Shoot the two Germans chasing the agent. The agent will retreat to the statue in the middle. Cover him by taking out everybody coming close. Go prone and get the sniper rifle ready. Look toward the far side, where the truck is. Multiple hostiles will enter the area and cluster around the truck. However, the air raid should start and boom! The truck will explode, taking out all three. Watch where the agent is shooting and kill any Germans in that direction. Enemies will come in three directions. the Far side (NW corner), Near side (NE corner, where you booby trapped), and the middle, down the stairs (you also booby trapped). Keep shooting Germans until the truck arrives. When the truck arrives, the agent will run for it, but 2 more Germans will run down the stairs. KILL THEM QUICKLY or they'll disable the truck! When the agent gets in, cover the truck against more Germans. Some may get into a staff car. Shoot the staff car quickly, but it's okay if you didn't get many hits. You may also notice a sniper or two from across the courtyard. If you can kill him, go ahead. Else don't worry about him. When the truck leaves, your goal is complete. Now it's time to boogie. Goal: Make it to Western ruins Arm sub machine gun and crawl down the stairs, kill any Germans. One should have triggered the tripmine you left behind, kill the other. There is a MG-42 in the "break" of the staircase, around the back on a table. If you prefer the MP-40, then forget about it. When you reach the bottom, kill additional soldiers that attack. Now you need to cross over to the Western ruins. Enemy reinforcements, at least 6, are approaching from behind the cathedral, and you don't want to be in open ground when they arrive. RUN for the western ruins, and go prone, and start to pick off the approaching enemies one at a time. When they get close, hose them with MG / SMG. Keep displacing so they can't corner you. Once you got rid of them all, it's time to exit. Goal: Head for exfil Run up the ruins and retrace your steps but now it gets nasty, as at least 6 Germans want to stop you and are between you and the exit. If you are fast, get to the exit, but do NOT head down. Instead, climb the boards and head UP one floor, and immediately go prone. The enemy will climb up, but not to your level, and you can drop grenades on them and kill them all. Kill any survivors, and head for the exfil point. 6.3.5 exfiltrate the square Situation: The Germans are NOT happy! A bunch of patrols are out for your blood. Run for some goodies left behind by the other agent, and kill more enemies, then make your way out. Goal: Kill enough Germans to delay pursuit Grab initial goodies, then RUN to the goodies point and grab all the good stuff. Then lay trip mines, 10 meters apart, on BOTH alleys, 2 each, and hurry up. Then go hide under the tank. Shoot survivors of the trap. Go hide in the cellar for a while. Emerge, and shoot any survivors. Should kill like 6 or them. Goal: Break contact by reaching your hidey hole Your hidey-hole is where you killed that German officer before. If you've done your job, there should be no one between you and the hidey-hole. Low-crawl over, enter the room, and turn right until you see a hole in the wall. Get inside, then make a right turn and get inside the 2nd room. Turn around, arm pistol, and just WAIT. If you don't make any noises, the patrols will give up, and your goal is complete. 6.4 KARLSHORST REPRISE NOTE: From here on my notes on the individual goals were incomplete. However, the walkthrough is done exactly as the goal order, so you should be able to follow it with no problem at all. Besides, the enemy move around a lot. Briefing: We need to take out this fuel depot controlled by the NKVD. Get in there and plant time bombs. Also, we need the codebook from the commander. Grab it after he returned to the base. Situation: lots of guards, possible to do this without firing a SINGLE shot until almost the end. NOTE: DO NOT crawl under the burning tanks. You'll die. NOTE: This is NOT the only way to do it. You can kill guards and hide their bodies if you want, just make sure it's a silent kill. Avoid the towers, follow the red arrow on the map and head toward the entrance on the left side. You should see this guy standing on top of the western bunker with sweeping lights covering the entrance checkpoint. Supposedly it's possible to stay on the hill and move behind the guy so you can pop him with a pistol, then dump his body just outside the camp so nobody will notice. On the other hand, an alternate method is to low crawl as close as possible until you slid off, then crawled to the wall. That attracted his attention, and with him looking the wrong away, you can avoid the lights and crawl right through the entrance. Go north and then east to the ramp, and wait until the guard that patrols that section walked past, then climb the ramp, and crawled to the western edge inside the fences, and when nobody's looking, plant the time bomb set to 30 minutes. Hug the western wall to the northwest corner. Another guard is to northeast, so go through the broken ground and just crawled to just under the lip of the platform. Avoid the guard to the middle and head east. Follow that all the way to a ditch and the other tower. Nobody should be looking, so just crawl toward the control panel, and drop your next timebomb (set for 3-4 minutes less) at the designated spot. Now crawl under the tank and wait for the commander to reach his office. Remember there is at least one guard in the corridor, possibly more. You'll get a cutscene when the commander returns to his office. When that's done, wait a little more. The guards are about to start a patrol. Just wait. The guard will come out toward you, then turn to face outside. When he does, crawl out, get behind him, and put a bullet in his head. Then crawl in there and kill the 2nd guard. Then crawl in and kill the commander, and grab the codebook at the table. (Just approach the table). NOTE: If the commander saw you, all the guards start to prepare a reception to make sure you don't leave the place alive, so try not to give him the chance! Quickly go back the same way you came, and crawl for the two houses that are slightly raised above the ground, and get under it. Then keep crawling toward the entrance. A guard may be near the entrance. He usually turns back and points gun toward the commander's office and go prone. If you're under the houses, you're already past him, so forget about him. Keep the guard shack between you and the light. Crawl past the entrance, and up the hill. All the guards are looking INTO the camp, nobody is looking out. Crawl your way to the exit point, and enter the tunnel, and you'll get the cutscene of the entire fuel depot blowing up! 6.5 THE SCIENTISTS Briefing: a group of German scientists captured by the NKVD will be moved east. OSS is sending a retrieval team in but they need more time. Clear the U-Barn station so the team can arrive unmolested, then intercept the scientists so OSS can grab them. 6.5.1 U-Barn station Situation: eliminate all the NKVD around the station, which is underground, with multiple entrances. Rely a lot on tripwire grenades, as they are excellent booby traps and can guard your back. Goal: Take out all NKVD defenders in the area about the U-barn station First, turn back and collect all the goodies behind you. You may want to plant a trip mine at the bottom of the staircase in case you have some uninvited visitors. Look across the river and take aim at the truck's gas tank cap. One hit and Kaboom! Taking out 3 guys. Turn right toward the bridge, and take out the sniper on the bridge. Turn left and look at the other bridge. Then beyond it, and look at the roof. There's a sniper on there. Take him out too. Look for another NKVD across the river, kill him. Now you can come out (don't hit your trap if you planted it, just "jump" from 2nd story). Head for the station entrance, but beware of 3-4 NKVD guys coming to check the commotion. Take them all out. Turn left and go to get all the goodies in that sub-goal on the map at that rowboat. You can search all the bodies now, as you won't be bothered for a while. When you're done searching, lay at least three tripmines on the bridge. Lay at least another across the U-bahn entrance, maybe 2. You're going after the station and you don't want any rude visitors. This station has at least two more alternate entrances, and it's more fun if you come in through the other entrances instead of the main entrance. You could just go down and "Rambo" the station by killing the three guys inside, but it's more fun if you find an alley, and find the back entrance to the place. Try to silent kill everybody inside, but don't worry if you don't succeed. Any way, when you kill all three, get to the radio to get the secret document there. When the cutscene's done, grab all the goodies at the 2 boxes there. Now it's time to play Alamo. Lay trip mines across MORE of the entrances, esp. the main one, as many NKVD now will rush the station. Seems the NKVD is also sending reinforcements to make sure they get their hands on whatever they wanted. Your trip mines above should be going off left and right. You can stay in the station, or move out after leaving more presents. If you choose to leave, go east through the hole in the wall, up the tunnel, and emerge in a building. Mine the entrance, then head upstairs, which is a perfect sniping spot. Kill machine gunners, then any body else you spot. Kill any one trying to cross the bridge, in fact. Head to the bridge (avoid any tripmines you set earlier). Look for snipers in the distance, and additional Russkies. Kill them all. Now you need to head toward the square to kill some more NKVD. Head toward your last waypoint, kill any NKVD in your way. Hide under truck and such. If you see a truck, shoot its fuel tank cap to make it go kaboom. Kill the rest of NKVD, at least 3 shooters and a sniper. When you get Objective Complete, head for the exfil point and the mission ends when you arrive. 6.5.2 Prevent Enforcement You start facing a tank and bunch of NKVD. Grab all the goodies, and slide back and to left until you can see the fuel tank's cap. Blow it up and take out all the soldiers (or at least most of them). In the confusion of the explosion you can kill the rest. Or you can try to take out all the soldiers first, watch for those that hide to the right. Then sniper the fuel cap of the tank. Boom. Now you need to head for the sniper spot. Turn the next corner and you'll see a German on second floor, and NKVD patrolling below. Kill them all. Turn left, then right, and into the ruins you go. You want to be in the building closer to the square in order to get a clean shot. Run in through the window and climb the stairs. Go prone. Look for the commander as he's beyond the leftmost truck. Kill him or you lose. Then toss stick grenades at the closest truck and the next closest. Boom! The rest of NKVD is coming after you though. Quickly lay a tripmine at the staircase coming up, then turn left into a hole in the wall. Go through another hole in the next wall, and you can exit the building from that end to the back alley. Sweep the square for hostiles. You want the papers the commander left behind. You can get some goodies here. Head back to your origin point, kill the last NKVD in your way or avoid them, and you can go to Anhalter station. 6.5.3 Anhalter Station Grab all the goodies nearby. Use a med-kit if you need one. There is an NKVD Commando up front, but you can simply go in the side entrance. When he turns, stay in the darkness and get inside. I like to keep it quiet for this part. If the NKVD commander don't see the guard outside he'll call for search teams, and you don't want that quite yet, not while you can spending time setting up surprises. On the other hand, the more guards he sends out, the more you can kill. Kill the guard patrolling there by keeping a bench between you and him, and sneak out behind him and put a bullet in his head. Watch out for the guy patrolling the platform above. If he's there, wait until that guy's gone before ambushing the closer guy. Once you ambushed the closer guy, grab his body and drop it behind the bus away from the platform in the distance. Go prone as the platform patroller is coming. He'll go just past the first bus. When he turns around, get out from under the bus and put a bullet in his head. You don't need to hide this guy. Nobody else will see him. Climb the stairs to platform. Arm TNT, crouch. When ready, go to locomotive, drop or throw TNT at locomotive, and backup quickly, and go prone. Then shoot the TNT. Boom! The scientists aren't going anywhere on this train. Now snipe the rest of the NKVD, preferably from the tracks, as that place is nice and dark. Then run for the front entrance and head upstairs, leaving behind a trip mine every once in a while. Across the stairway is the best. Get onto the roof and blow up the trucks by sniping the fuel caps. Go back in and play hide-and-seek with the NKVD. Lead them across your traps. Put down some more. Once you killed all of them, you win! 6.6 NORDSIG HW PLANT Infiltrate Nordsig Heavy Water Plant. We need to get Dr. Lohmann out of there, or at least prevent him from falling into Soviet hands. Destroy the plant while you're at it. Unfortunately, Nordsig can only be approached by going through the U-Barn system. 6.6.1 Via the U-barn Situation: Get in via the u-barn. Try to do the enemies as quiet as possible, or as noisily as possible, it's up to you. Grab all goodies first. Kill the sniper. Be warned that many will deploy grenades, and those WILL kill you dead if they land close enough. Clear the station, don't worry about the alarm, just means more enemies to kill. Collect their ammo. Keep heading downstairs. Get down to the tracks, and head toward the next waypoint. You should see ONE enemy in the distance, kill him. Keep doing, and the tracks split to left siding. German patrols are in that little rest area. This is a great place to try your grenade throwing. Toss one or two in there and cook multiple enemies at once. Wait around as they are not sure where the grenade is coming from. Throw another one when they group up. Arm gun to defend if they do figure out where you are. Kill them all and grab the goodies. Continue down the track, maybe kill one guy to left, and you'll arrive at Nordsig station. There's one wounded writhing on a bed without a leg. Don't bother shooting him. (You can't hurt him) Kill two guys talking in the middle. Collect the MG-42's with plenty of ammo. Head upstairs. Follow the only path. There's one door to the left. Covert kill the guy inside. Go through narrow passage to next room. Chuck a grenade through and kill what's left of the 3 guys here. Keep clearing the path until you see the exit, and that's end of this level. 6.6.2 Approach to Nordsig Situation: need to get through the streets around Nordsig so you can reach the plant. Need to kill the NKVD commander to prevent reinforcements. Grab the goodies. Follow the waypoint and kill every guard you see, pretty much. It's shoot and displace. Go through the playground and work your way through the enemies, who will try to surround you, but you should be able to pick them off one by one. Soon you'll get to commander's HQ, and just put a bullet in his head. Kill his guards if you can. Work your way to the plant. There's a tank in your way, decide if you want to kill it, or just run for it. If you want to kill it, do the TNT throw and snipe routine. Make your way to the exit. 6.6.3 Eliminate Guardpost Situation: We need to clear the guardpost to get inside. Grab the goodies. Work your way to the south gate, kill everybody in your way. Silent kill the sentry just inside the door. Then snipe the fuel tank on the two trucks in the courtyard. That'll kill most of the enemies, esp. the ones in the guardpost. Then shoot the sniper on the upper right corner/stairs. He may come down though. And shoot anybody else left. Do NOT enter yet. There's an armored car that's got a nasty machine gun to the left of the gate. Throw a TNT bundle close to it and snipe it to destroy it. Kill the rest of the guards. Go into the guardpost and grab all the ammo you want. There's a TON of MG42 ammo to be had, and much more. You will need them. When ready, follow waypoint into back entrance of the plant. 6.6.4 HW plant Situation: The plant has three main buildings, and you'll need to go back and forth a few times. This is a run-and-gun mission, not too much sniping. Use grenades and SMG liberally. NOTE: Too many enemies to list, and they move. Shoot first, ask questions later. You start in the south. Pick up goodies, and head for any GR resistance goodies left for you. Kill sentries, of course. Keep moving from cover to cover. Lots of enemies will show, about half dozen per building at least. Make it to the north end of warehouse. Doesn't matter upper or lower floor, just get to north end. Head out to courtyard. Try NOT to blow up the truck in the courtyard as it has some goodies next to it. If you do blow it up you may die too from the chain reaction. Beware. Also shoot any snipers on the next building over. Watch for enemies coming up behind you. Consider laying some tripmines to guard your back. Just leave one entrance NOT trapped. Cross the courtyard into building 2. Again, 2-story building. Clear it. Set time bomb with at least 5 minute fuse on either of the doors. You can use TNT as well, but wait until the timebomb go off. Plant the bomb (I prefer the western door), and then find a good spot to wait and wait. When it goes BOOM! Defend yourself against more Germans. Then blow up the eastern door as well (I use TNT for that). Go through, and you're in building 3. Go inside, kill all the guards you can see, then go inside the first door to your right to Dr. Lohmann, and get a cutscene. Cutscene: Well, Dr. Lohmann, you must come with me. Head to the huge tanks of heavy water. Cutscene: You turn on the drainage valve. Russkies will get nothing. Back to building 2, kill more guards who has appeared. You're looking for the officer who has the combo to the safe. Kill his 2 guards, and approach him. Cutscene: You persuaded the officer to hand over the safe combo, and "thanked" him for his contribution. Head back to building 1, kill more guards, then kill the guards at the safe. Approach the safe. Cutscene: you got the safe open, and got the stuff inside. Head across the building to the radio room. Cutscene: GR/OSS team is pinned outside and needs help. Back to building 2, but this time head for the LONG staircase in the far corner that goes all the way to the roof, and this mission ends. 6.6.5 Assist OSS Team Situation: You're on the roof of the plant, and you need to help the GR team break into the plant despite everything the Russians and Germans are throwing. Pick up the goodies and go prone, move forward. Kill bad guys at the 2 entrances first, then kill the tank to your left that will appear in a bit. Either toss a TNT bundle down there ASAP and wait for it, or snipe the fuel drum cap. Keep killing any Russians that you can see. They probably have their back toward you, unless they are shooting AT you. Keep killing Russians, and when the tank appears, put a bullet in its rear aux tank cap. That's the most important thing. Kill Russians, and even a few snipers that you may spot. Keep killing Russkies until you get Objective Complete message. Now it's time to come back down. Go down via the stairs and get out the way you came in. It's time to boogie. 6.6.6 Exfiltrate Nordsig Pick up goodies, through the park, keep to the shadows. Go around the block and into the alley to meet your contact. Cutscene: you get the M91, among other goodies. However, there are 3 "elite snipers" out and about. Take them out if you want, else just run for it. If you want to take them on, follow the waypoints on the map. Be warned, the moon is bright and visibility is excellent for them, but not quite for you. There are also myriad of other NKVD units about hunting for you. When ready, head for the exit, avoid/kill any patrols, and when you reach the U-Barn station the mission ends. 6.7 RECOVER V2 TECH Russians intercepted a German shipment of V2 rockets. We can't let them keep it. They are holed up at the Schloss, and we have no way of getting through without doing a few things first. We must cut their comm so they can't call for help; we must take out all nearby ammo dumps so nobody can reinforce them; we must take out nearby fuel depot at train station; and finally, we'll assault the Schloss. 6.7.1 Cut Communications Situation: the local Soviet HQ is trying to call for help. They are trying to send motorcycle couriers. Intercept all three. If even one make it through we are sunk. Look at the map, and you'll see you need to go "south" to intercept the first run. Best way to get one is with a tripmine, but a burst of machinegun will work just as well. Grab goodies, and head south, follow the street. Kill anyone in your way. When you get to the path, lay tripmine across the road where the motorcycle must cross. Move west 25 meters, and repeat. Now just find a place nearby relatively secure, and wait. At 3:05, you get warning that first motorcycle has left. Arm SMG or MG and wait by the road. When it comes by, hose it. Keep moving west and plant another trip mine in path of motorcycle 2, and then move NORTH to intercept #3. And throw some grenades into the enemy HQ as well. That'll kill the commander and net you a secondary objective. Head for exfil point when you've dealt with all three motorcycles. 6.7.2 Destroy the Ammo Dumps Situation: We need to destroy all the nearby ammo dumps to make the assault easier. Pick up goodies. Take out the sniper in the building in front, then another around the corner. NKVD troopers will assault, so defend, defend, defend. Lay trip mines if you want to. When the assault stops coming, you can follow the waypoint to the first ammo dump. Kill all guards. Only a few remain. Plant timebomb where specified. Repeat at the 2nd ammo dump. Take as much supplies as possible. Go to exfil point. 6.7.3 Disable Katyushas Pick up the goodies. Head for the central "circle", and go up to the GR commander. Cutscene: GR commander ask you to help them kill all the NKVD, rescue the pilot, and take out all the Katyusha rocket launchers (two of them, one E and one W. Get up that pile and snipe at every NKVD you see there. GR will assist but you need to do the brunt of the killing. When you get goal complete, go forward and frisk all the bodies. Turn to the pilot's location. Kill NKVD patrols there. Watch out for a sniper. Follow pointer to the pilot. Area is probably clear, but make sure. Bring him back to the GR commander. Head toward first Katyusha, and watch for snipers on rooftops, take them out from as far as possible. Once you get to the square, take out all defenders, but watch for additional snipers on rooftops you can't see. Either use timebomb or TNT/snipe to get rid of the two launchers there. Repeat at the other site, kill all in your way, and watch for snipers, blah blah blah. When that's done, head for the train yard as per pointer. 6.7.4 Holzmarkt Train Yard This one is basically blow away every NKVD you can see, as well as blow up the fuel tanks. Pick up the goodies and start crawling. You need to reach the first warehouse. However, watch out. There's an armored car there in ambush position. Check every corner, remember! Throw TNT and snipe it to get rid of that armored car. Kill every guard you can see. Then get inside, and try to climb the pipes so you can get up into the rafters. Shoot everybody until things quiet down. Drop a time bomb at the indicated location. Go out and kill the NKVD in the "between" courtyard. Kill all the NKVD in the 2nd warehouse as well. This will likely be a run-and-gun, so there's no point in giving details. Once you take a shot, displace, ambush. Enough said. Stay up in the rafters is probably much more fun than run and gun down at ground level. When complete, head for the exit. 6.7.5 The Schloss This is one TOUGH mission, better save when I tell you to! Pick up the goodies (yes, always), arm pistol. There are 3 sentries, two on your starting block, one on the block way to west. Get rid of them with your pistol only. Save. Optional: plant some tripmines and TNT on the "main road" in periodic intervals so you can help get the tank and any other NKVD attacking later. Go to western bridge and meet the GR leader there. You'll get the cutscene. The Russians are going to make a break for it. So get forward. When ready, shoot only Russians, NOT the trucks! (You can shoot the leading half-track, no problem) You'll get a cutscene, then the pillbox's machine gun opens up. Snipe the shooter, and anyone else shooting at you. Save Run for the Schloss, get inside, and shoot all comers. Get upstairs, shoot all defenders until mission complete, you've captured the Schloss. Head for the far side of the Schloss. Hole in the wall gives you vantage point over the entire front. Save. NKVD starts attacking in a few minutes. Start sniping or hose them long range with SMG/MG. Some will make for the western bridge, while other will try to get through Eastern bridge. The more you kill before they reach either bridge, the better. And try to hit the tank's fuel drum cap or hit the TNT you left behind before it crosses the river. Remember, enemy attack will run through both bridges. Beware! When you get "another 4-man team is rushing now!", save. A truck from move from left to right on the other side of the river. Use machinegun and hose the truck. It must go BOOM. Then see if you can get lucky and kill the commandos who'll rush both bridges. Kill all of them, make sure they don't reach your building, as they can kill your GR friends quite easily. Save. Cutscene. Another NKVD unit has broken through the rear! Quickly turn back and look down to first floor, and snipe all NKVD. Once you got them all, come back down, walk out the door they came in. That's the end of this mission. 6.8 ESCAPE FROM BERLIN Berlin will fall soon, and most major transport centers are already in Soviet hands. Best way to extract is to steal a plane at Templehof Airport. You will need a pilot. 6.8.1 Extract the pilot Cutscene: As you arrive, you find your pilot was lead away by NKVD. You get off to set an ambush for the convoy. Grab all goodies. Get to the convoy route, and setup 2 trip mines across the road. It's for the half-track leader. Then get "behind" the convoy's route and get ready. Boom! The convoy stops. Shoot all the defenders, and walk up to the truck. Voila, you saved the pilot. Cutscene: Unfortunately, the pilot wants his brother rescued as well. You head for the observatory. Use long-range shots, take out as many NKVD as possible from long-range. Watch for grenade throwers, as those can be deadly in closer range. When ready, head for the other side of the observatory, head upstairs, and you'll find Thomas. Except, he won't come along! *sigh* Head back to the pilot (he's hiding nearby, really), who somehow accepts your story at your word. You have to lead him to safety. So, take him cover to cover, kill any NKVD in your way, including snipers. And head for the exit. (Hit "e" to switch between "follow" and "stay" modes). You have to get close for him to hear the command. Make it to the exit. 6.8.2 Journey to Tempelhof Situation: Your two truck convoy makes a run for the airport... and the first truck gets blown to pieces by a Soviet tank. Your truck avoids the tanks and stops... Area is surrounded, and NKVD is closing in. You must defend the truck from NKVD commandos (at least a dozen!), as well as take out the two tanks in the area and their NKVD escorts, with NO panzershrek! Grab all goodies, and quickly plant at least two trip mines at each of the streets leading to the truck. The two toward the tanks deserve more attention. If you hear detonation or a warning about "approaching NKVD", RUN over and check it, and kill NKVD if you see any. Quickly frisk their body for ammo and perhaps, more trip mines. Plant additional trip mines if available. You have to kill all attacking NKVD commandos. Keep killing attackers until "goal complete". You have to survive for a while. So be careful. Once that's done, you have to go kill the two tanks, and the rest of NKVD. Those tanks patrol randomly in their sector, but if they see you they'll come after you. Killing tanks should be done by tossing TNT into the road, then hide and wait until the tank comes along, and shoot the TNT. Kill any remaining NKVD as well. Enough said. So go do it. Make sure you deal with all the other NKVD as well. When all clear, head back to the truck and you're on your way to the airport. 6.8.3 Tempelhof Airport Situation: Eliminate the sentries in the main hangar, sneak over to plant bomb at the fuel depot (optional), assault the tower, come back down, kill folks in the radar van, kill enemies coming in via trucks, defend the plane as it taxis. Go prone and arm pistol. There is one guard in the "machine room" between the two hangars, and you need to kill him silently. Leave the body, as nobody will see it, stay quiet though. Head to the next hangar, kill guard walking in, and a third guard. That's all the sentries. Save now Now go to the farthest hangar east, and outside that door, crawling all the way. Stay in cover, move up to radar van, and behind it to fuel depot. Try to silent kill everybody. Drop time bomb for 5 minute fuse there (more like 7, but that's depending on how fast you can get back to the control tower). Sneak back the way you came. Go back to tower, assault it, kill officer on top. Reinforcements should be pouring in, kill them all. Grenades are good. Head downstairs, and hopefully your fuel depot bomb will detonate soon. Now approach the AA radar van, and kill both occupants. If you see truck approaching, blow up the truck and toss grenades at the truck as well. Now your plane comes out of the hangar. Get out of its way! (You don't want to be ran over by it!) Then RUN after it! Cutscene: more than a few trucks of NKVD rush you, while you just keep shooting until the pilot tell you to come on, and you manage to jump in the door just as the plane takes off. NOTE: Now that you finished the main campaign, you get a new "secret mission" in the mission selection screen. 6.9 SECRET MISSION The Safehouse is a "secret mission" only accessible after you've completed the main campaign. 6.9.1 The safehouse Situation: You are in the middle of a battle between German and Soviet forces. You need to head north to your contact. Guards everywhere. One goes around the block, while others have their own patrol routes. Some overlap, but not others. If you are good, you can sneak through without killing anyone. Else. just kill Soviets. Get into the hotel and meet your contact. Cutscene: Your contact radios local HQ, who then informs you that NKVD has compromised your position, and you need to make a run for it. However, your contact needs 5 minutes to destroy the cipher machine. With 5 trip mines, help defend the place to give him the time. Grab the tripmines and run downstairs to plant one mine across main entrance, one across the restaurant entrance (trust me!), another just before the staircase, then the rest on the staircases. Then head to the roof. NKVD is approaching from the north, and the more you can kill outside, the less you have to worry about inside. Once it looks like there's no more, head down and head for opposite end of the corridor, then turn and face the stairs, but right at the door. Crouch and be ready. If enemy toss a grenade you have to be able to duck inside the room. Wait for the mines to go off. If enemy reach your level alive, hose them with MG or hit them with sniper fire. Grenades would work too, but I doubt you have many. Once you get them all, this objective's done. At least 8 NKVD commandos I think, including 2 officers. Collect all the ammo and stuff left by the NKVD donors. You'll need them. Go back to your contact, and lead him downstairs. You want to turn RIGHT at the main door. It's a run-and-gun scenario, no time to get fancy as there's just too many of them. If they get close enough they'll grenade you and your buddy is vulnerable to grenades. So shoot a few, run a block. Shoot a few, run a block. Watch for snipers too. Reach the safehouse and run inside. Mission complete! 7 Miscellaneous 7.1 CHEAT CODES Only three cheat codes are known. They should also work for the Xbox version. Create a profile with the following name to activate the special power: Panzer explosive bullets (every shot acts like a panzershrek hit) Stealth silent bullets (every shot is silent, no enemy can hear it) Ratbomb rats will explode when hit NOTE: Your score will be ZERO if you activate any of these cheats. 7.2 OTHER CHEATS There is a trainer available that will give you infinite ammo, infinite items, infinite life, and so on. It won't improve your accuracy, nor can it really save you from a grenade hit or a tank hit, but it will help you survive bullet hits and such. Search for it. 7.3 MULTIPLAYER No comment, as I haven't tried it. 7.4 RELATED WEBSITES AND FANSITES The only fan site I can find is Where you can find "intro skipper", among other useful utilities.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sniper Elite Guide
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